Monday, February 22, 2010

A quiet but good weekend

I apologize for not keeping up with the blog like I said I would. Things are just crazy at the booth household. Let me give you an update on everyone. Lets start with Madison. She is all over the place. She loves to climb up on things now and if she sees a chair she is climbing the chair and sitting on it. Its crazy. She watches what her brother and sister does and she is right there doing it. As Scott and I said this weekend, she is going to grow up faster than any of her brother and sister did. Lets just say she has energy and a lot of it.
Logan is doing great. Unfortunately, he is having less and less naps. The way our schedules are he only takes a nap on Mondays and Fridays. All the other days we are busy and we have no times for naps. He loves the no nap thing. If he had it his way he would be done with naps but mommy still needs her quiet time. Another thing that he is doing right now is he won't go to sleep with his lights turned off anymore. You have to leave the light on and later on in the night you have to remember to turn them off. I am not sure why he is doing this but he is.
Brooklyn is doing great. She is still loving school and her phonics. She even has homework in phonics which is hard to believe. At age 4 and has homework. Who would have known. She loves it. She is really catching on to reading and she is starting to recognize words. Its a big accomplishment for her. I remember when she first started school she couldn't read or recognize anything but now it just comes natural to her. I just can't believe that its almost March and the school year is almost over with.
I think that is it for right now. I am going to leave you with more pictures of the kids.

Friday, February 19, 2010

More pictures

I guess I can only add 5 pics at a time so here is more pics for all to enjoy.

Day 2 of our Record Breaking Snow Fall

I decided to do two different posts because of all the pictures we took of the kids. We will probably never see this much snow in another 50 years and mommy and daddy will be 80 by then. I was very anxious to see how much snow we got and I was amazed of how covered the roads and sidewalks were of snow. As soon as Brooklyn woke up she wanted to go and play. Daddy was going to be brave and go into work but luckily they closed the office so daddy finished up some work and we went outside for day #2. I hope all enjoy the pictures.

A snowfall made history

I honestly didn't think when they forcasted snow that we would get this much snow but we ended up with 11 inches of snow and the kids had a blast. I watched it snow all day and it just kept coming and coming and it never stoped till we were all sleeping Friday morning. Brooklyn's first words out of her mouth was when can we go and play in it. Daddy picked her up at phonics and once they got home we dressed everyone up and went outside. Here are the pictures from the first day of the snow storm.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Update on Lilly

Well, Lilly is stable for now. She had a checkup with the vet on Monday. She was going in for her shots but had to have her left hind leg checked at too. When we bought Lilly she had loose knee caps, I can't remember the correct term for it but this condition can cause them to tear ligaments more easily. Well, she has managed to tear her ACL, which in English is the main ligament in your knee. You hear atheletes tearing these atheletes all the time. Yes, she can have surgery but with her neck tumor we aren't going to do anything about it. She has also gained about 5 pounds too. She has gone from 26 pounds to 31 pounds now which tells the vet that her tumor on her neck may be a nonfunctional neck tumor. Don't ask me what that means. Overall her spirits are good. She is not as active as she use to be but that is also due to her hurt leg. I truly believe Lilly was given to us for a reason and as always I will baby her to the end. We all love her and as long as she is not suffering she will be around for awhile.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A cute looking cowboy

On Friday night, Logan was so funny. He always likes to help mom do cleaning and sometimes I help him. Well Friday night, he decided he was going to help me mop the master bathroom in his diaper and cowboy boots. He got these boots for Christmas from Meme and PawPaw and he loves them. They look adorable on him. I was laughing hysterical and Scott wasn't that happy that I took the picture but its a picture everyone should see.

Madison is doing great. Right now she is going through a stage where she is testing mommy and daddy. I have had to start time out with her and she doesn't like to sit in her highchair for a long period of time now so thats where I put her. She looks at you and just thinks everthing is so funny when you tell her something. On the flip side, she really does like to help out. She is getting really good about giving you something you need or putting something away.

Brooklyn has done really well in her phonics class. She started the session not knowing about 10 letter sounds and in three sessions she is down to about 4 sounds. She really is liking reading and learning new things. I think she is going to do great in kindergarden. She is also given these little books with 1 sentence on each page and she is at the point now where she can read the whole book by herself. Thats amazing considering when we first started Apple Creek she barely could read.