Thursday, June 30, 2011

Brooklyn Loses her 8th Tooth

Today visits her pediatrician today and she is right on pace with her age. Mommy was really happy to hear that. Also, this afternoon, Brooklyn attended dance class since her surgery. Well they were doing something and she fell and by gosh Brooklyn loosened another tooth and just a few minutes ago she lost her 8th tooth. As far as I know, I didn't loose that many teeth by the time I turned 8. Then Brooklyn came running to me because her tooth fell down the drain and that the tooth fairy would not come. I assured her that regardless of her tooth falling down the drain, she will come and bring her some money.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brooklyn Goes to the Doc and Madison Sees her First Movie in the Theater

We have been going since 9 am this morning. Brooklyn saw her surgeon today and he was more than pleased on the progress we have made since Friday of last week. When he looked at her dryness there was only a small patch left from the original dry patch. We just need to keep doing what we are doing and hopefully by next Wednesday everything should be dried up. In about 6 weeks or so, eye should be back to normal so I guess time will tell. Other than that nothing else to report on Brooklyn.

This afternoon Logan went to a friend's house to play and have lunch and the girls and I with Michele and her kids to see Rio at the movie theater. It was dollar day at the movies so I figured if Madison acts up then I only spent $1 per person and we snuck in the food for us to eat. Madison was good for the first hour and then the last 45 minutes or so she was ready to go and really didn't understand what a movie theater was. Thank goodness there were many young children so I didn't feel I was disturbing everyone else in the theater.

We picked up Logan at his friend's house and he didn't want to come home. He made a very cute monkey from build a bear and was finally able to give Danielle her birthday present. They had a blast and I was glad that Logan had a great time playing today without his sisters.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Finally A Good Day

After a long weekend, Brooklyn is heading in the right direction. With the exception of last night, Brooklyn has not asked for any pain medication at all. Today she really looks and feels like herself. She is playing nonstop with her brother and sister and finally taking charge again. I think Logan and Madison are happy as well. I think now, Brooklyn is just ready to get back doing her activities. After one week not being in the pool, everyone is ready to go back to swimming and doing all the summer fun activities. One more week to go!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Hard Road to Recovery

Well, it has almost been a week since Brooklyn's eye surgery. I have to say that it has been a long week because I underestimated how difficult the recovery would be for Brooklyn. Although no one said it would be easy, I just assumed that it would be a simple recovery. Well, mommy was wrong. We met with Dr. Tong on Friday and Brooklyn really had a rough day. We couldn't figure out why Brooklyn was in so much pain until Friday. Dr. Tong did a couple of test and at the end we found out that she has a dry patch across her eye which mimics a scratch on the eyeball. We finally were able to get her pain under control with more pain medicine and more frequently. We are also putting eye ointment and eye drops in every hour. Dr. Tong has been really good and if we have not seen him in the office he has called me at home to check up on Brooklyn. Brooklyn is just ready to get back to normal and to do her normal activities. She is really getting bored at home. I don't blame her because I know how it feels to be stuck at home. We see Dr. Tong on Wednesday so hopefully there is some improvement from Friday.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finally on the Up

Brooklyn had her eye fixed on Tuesday. I underestimated on how big this surgery really was. The first 24 hours was the hardest. She had an eye patch on her eye for the first 24 hours and that was very hard for Brooklyn. The first night Brooklyn woke up every hour on the hour. It was rough and it brought me back when I had newborns. I definitely don't want to relive those nights. The second night was a lot better. She only woke up once and pretty much slept through the night. She still stayed in our bed just to make sure she was okay. It has been quite interesting with Brooklyn in our bed. She is sleeping on my side, Scott is in the middle and I am sleeping on his side. 3 is definitely a crowd. Finally this morning, she is feeling better. I finally think we are on the up.

Brooklyn Turns 6 Today

Today Brooklyn turns 6. I can't believe 6 years has gone by. Where has the time gone? Unlike any other birthdays I think she will remember this one for awhile because of her eye surgery. We already had her birthday party because we wanted to make sure that all of her friends could come to the party. I remember Brooklyn's delivery to the "t". The night before I was in labor and delivery and I knew the next day I would see the doctor and have an ultrasound. I pretty much knew at that point that I would deliver Brooklyn that day. I didn't realize that it would take the whole day to deliver her. I also remember that when she crowned I thought I was going to be done but nope, I had to push for over 2 1/2 before she would come out. All of that is worth it because she has turned out to be everything that I have ever hoped for.

Monday, June 13, 2011

MeMe and PawPaw's

On Sunday, we went over to Meme and PawPaw's house to have the kids play in their baby pool and slip and slide. The kids had a blast. They also got to shoot waterguns at everything they saw and even PawPaw. Mommy, daddy and MeMe were not targets but that didn't we didn't get wet at some point. We went over there to celebrate an early Father's Day and to wish MeMe a happy birthday. They are heading out of town the weekend of Father's Day and another reason why we moved up Brooklyn's birthday party. Everyone had fun and the kids didn't want to leave. That afternoon, mommy was going to take a short nap and I ended up with a migraine and was puking my brains out. Not a fun afternoon and evening. I missed the Maverick's winning the championship and but I aslo missed my salmon that daddy cooked. Believe me I would have rather been well than having my headache. The good news that came out of yesterday was Renee was able to come home from the hospital. Just one day too late.

Brooklyn's 6th Birthday Party

On Saturday, June 11th, Brooklyn celebrated her 6th birthday with many of her friends at Kreative Kids in Plano, Texas. Yes, her real birthday is not till the 23rd but we moved up her birthday party so many of her friends could come to the party. Having a summer birthday, is hard because everyone goes on vacations, etc and then you can't get a lot of your friends to come to the party for various of reasons. It will always be something but we will make it work every year. On Saturday it didn't start off well because there was major construction going on on the tollway and everybody was late because it shut down the tollway and everyone was coming from Frisco. All of the kids except my kids were able to play in the bounce house and then we moved into the party room where everyone got dressed up in a character. Even Madison got to dress up which I wasn't sure if she would be able to or not. At times, Madison stole the show and it was funny. Also, Aunt Nei Nei was not able to make the party because she was in the hospital again for another infection. One thing she did do was get a very special cake for Brooklyn. The cake was talk of the party because of how pretty it was. The funny thing is when they lit the candles part of the crown caught on fire, whoops!!! Luckily her cake did not go up in flames. All of the kids played a lot of games and everyone had fun. This was party unlike any other parties we have been too. Overall the party was a success and Brooklyn recieved many presents. She is very blessed to have generous friends. Despite Aunt Nei Nei not being there, the party was a success.

First Time in the Pool This Summer

Finally last Friday, the kids were able to get into the pool. After a week of being sick we finally visited the pool. The kids had a blast . It took them a little while to get use to the water again but after that it was like there were swimming all year round. Michele and I talked while the kids were having a blast. We ended up being at the pool for about 3 hours. It really didn't feel that bad in the heat. We would dry off and then get wet again and it felt kind of nice. Scott and I really want a pool and so hopefully in a year or two we will have a pool. I hope. There will be many days at the pool this year.

Brooklyn's Dance Recital

Brooklyn's dance recital was a lot of fun. This year Brooklyn was at a new dance academy, Power House of Dance. We left Sheena's because they didn't offer anymore combo classes so Campbell and her ventured off to Power House. The dance teacher was really good and they focus on technique more than anything. The last two dance recitals were held at highschools but Power House does things a little different. This year we were at Fair Park music hall. They do things big and it was a big production to say the least. The funny thing was her costume was the same costume she wore two years ago. Michele and I just laughed when we found that out. Despite it being the same costume the girls looked cute. The girls dance to "Ballerina Girl" and it was adorable. All the girls in the dance recital did a great job. Now Brooklyn and Campbell will move up to an older class and start on June 23rd, Brooklyn's 6th birthday.

Our Neighborhood Summber Bash Kickoff

Our neighborhood kickoff was the Saturday before Brooklyn's recital. Earlier that day Brooklyn had her dress rehersal for her recital and then we came home and mommy took a nap. I didn't feel good at all. When I woke up, it was time to go to the park and have some fun. I actually felt fine that evening. The kids had a blast. They had a waterslide set up, 2 bounce houses, a makeup artist and a clown blowing up balloons. Now you know who likes balloons and Logan took full advantage of the balloon making. I got some cute pictures of the kids with their face painting and balloons. Madison tried so hard to go up the waterslide but she was still too small to go down it so she wasn't very happy about that.

Rough Start to the Summer

It has been a rough start to the summer. The whole family started getting sick around Memorial Day Weekend. Logan and Madison were the first to get sick then daddy and Brooklyn. I thought I was supermom but that didn't matter. I woke up with the chills Tuesday morning, the day Brooklyn had her kindergarten celebration. That morning I felt good so I thought I just got sick for a couple of hours but that didn't happen. I ended up getting sicker the following days. On Brooklyn's recital day I was miserable so when we got home I went to bed. I still got sick and finally I went to the doctor's office and found out that I had a pneumonia. I haven't been that sick in years. What was funny was Michele and I were sick together and we both felt sorry for our kids because they were stuck inside for a week. Not a great way to start the summer.