Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Busy 2 Weeks

It has been a very busy 2 weeks. With the start of school, the consignment sale and figuring out extra activities for the kids. Let me start with the consignment sale, this was the best sale I have ever had in sales and dollar amount. I am very pleased with the outcome and the money will be used for Christmas. We finally have figured out activities, Brooklyn is no longer in ballet, she is just not ready for a full hour of ballet but we are going to do a cheer dance class. She tried it last week and loved it and did it again for this week and had a blast. It is a good class to combine with gymnastics. Madison is going to start the combo class and her class will be on Monday's at noon. She did great in the trial class and had a blast. She would go everyday if I would let her. Finally, Logan has decided to join the gymboree music class which is held on Saturdays. I am not thrilled about the time but it is the only one that works for our schedule. As for mommy, well I have been busy. I am room mom for Brooklyn's class again and for Logan. I am sitting on the board at Apple Creek and I am on the PtA board at Brooklyn's school. I am also volunteering my time on Thursday mornings as well. My schedule is busy but I like it that way. Madison is adapting well being by herself with mommy in the morning. She likes that she can do anything she wants and no one can stop her well besides mommy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Logan Goes To School

Yesterday was Logan's first day of school. This year he is going in the morning and going 5 days a week. He had a blast. Unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures because of rain and sure enough it was raining again but I did get some cute pictures at the school and in his class. He didn't want to leave school yesterday. He was ready to go back to school this morning. We also bought him his first alarm clock so now he thinks he is a big boy now. It is going to be a great year. After we dropped off Logan, Mommy and Madison had a play date with Blake and Michele at the mall and drank some coffee. It was really nice to just have Madison and no one else.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Logan Meets His Teachers

This morning Logan got to meet his new teachers for the school year and meet some of his new friends. There was one boy from his class last year that is in his class this year. There are a lot of kids so hopefully Logan will make some new friends this year. I think it will be a good year. I am so bad because now I can't remember who is teachers names are. Too much on my mind. Anyway, I will take pictures on monday for his first day of class.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Madison Goes to Dance Class

Today was Madison's first dance class. The whole thing was just adorable. You would have thought she was doing dance forever. She was so cute and I wish I had a video camera to tape it because it really was a sight to see. I normally don't watch the tv monitors but this time I watched the whole class and she was so cute. There were 4 girls in the class and it looked like all the girls had a great time. Madison was anxious all day to go to dance and she bugged me about getting dress so when it was time to get dress she was right on it. I didn't have to ask her twice. All I have to say is I can't wait to recital time because it will be adorable.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Second Day off to a Better Start!

Well Brooklyn started off today on a better foot. We took the bus today and she was much happier and back in her element. The bus comes earlier now so we have to be at the bus stop by 7am. Last year the bus picked up the kids at 7:22 but now it is 712 in the morning. Now that is early. Mommy is going to have to have everything done the night before so morning off all we have to do is get dress and eat breakfast. We will see how we do later in the year.

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of First Grade 2011

Brooklyn was so excited to start to school today. She even came down stairs already dressed and her bed made. That doesn't happen that often. She had her outfit already picked out and Aunt Nei Nei had a bow specifically made for the bee line from gymboree. We got everything ready and in the car we went. It wasn't until we got to school that I realized that I didn't have her school supplies. I felt bad. We took some pictures and walked into school with no problem. Once we got to her class, she saw her old teacher, and favorite one Mrs. Womack. I thought at that point it was a home run. It wasn't till I was ready to leave when Brooklyn started to cry. She has never cried. Not even for kindergarten nor preschool. I was shocked. Miss Dobb's finally came over and comforted her and by then she was doing a little better. At that point I was able to leave. I went home and got all of her school supplies and brought it back up to the school.

Meet the Teacher Night

Well the day has finally come to meet the teacher. Brooklyn was so excited for today because she couldn't wait to see who her teacher was and which friends will be in her class. We got to school early because mommy was selling spirit school stuff for all the newbies. When we got to school, we looked at which teacher she got and it was Miss Megan Dobbs. She actually has 7 of her friends from her kindergarten class so she was excited to see that. We went down to her classroom and we ran into Mrs. Womack, her favorite teacher. At that point she was happy. We met Miss Dobb's and Brooklyn felt at home again.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Main TV Doesn't Work

It seems that every summer things break in our house. This summer is no different. Our tv in our bedroom died and our main computer is dying and now the main tv is not working. Last night we were watching Big Brother and the picture goes. We could still hear the sounds but no picture. We are not sure what is going on because we can hook up the WII system and we can see the picture and we can hook up the dvd player and we can get a picture. Hopefully we can get that to work because if we can't that will be on big expense.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daddy works from home

Mommy loves daddy but I like when daddy works at the office. Daddy came home yesterday saying that he was asked to leave the office because his contract was not signed off on before the end of the week. So that means now that daddy is home and witnesses what goes on during the day. I don't like that because daddy and I do things differently and the kids and I get a long just fine. Well tomorrow daddy has been given the okay to go back up to GameStop. Everyone is happy. I now understand that I value the time that daddy is at the office because it gives us our space. Like I said, I love him to death but I could not work with him 24-7. It is also hard when he works from home because the home is not quiet my any means. Regardless, it was nice for him to be home to help me out but back to our schedule starting tomorrow. I will have to say that it was nice sleeping in till 8am. All the kids slept in and it was nice.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Quiet Weekend

Well there is much to report from the Booth household. I tried driving on Thursday and well at least I know that I can't drive. That was very painful and I for sure don't want to get in an accident. Renee has been helping out and she is getting a little extra money for it. The kids love when she is over here. She has been helping out with my laundry and cleaning so that helps me out. Saturday we went to a new place for lunch called Fuzzy tacos. That place was really good and yummy and very affordable. It is only time that they will be in the Frisco area. That afternoon I ended up getting a migraine and I was done for the rest of the day. On Sunday, daddy had a presentation to do so we did nothing. I worked on the consignment stuff and that was about it. Like I said, nothing interesting.