Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to the routine

Today was Brooklyn's first day back to school and boy she was excited. She was ready to go back two weeks ago. It was a long break for her but I think a good one. This time her belly button had plenty of time to heal. She was up bright and early and ready to go at 7 this morning. All her classmates and teachers were happy to see her and she was able to thank everyone for all of her get well wishes. Unfortunately, Madison had a rough night last night and today as well. All of our kids have been vacinated for the flu but I think Madison had some kind of stomach bug. Anytime she would put something in her mouth she would throw it right back up. No bueno. She even threw up in my car as well. Luckily I had towels and a change of clothes with me. I felt so bad for her. I am not sure how many times I changed her outfit and or changed her crib. You know when she is sick when she doesn't want to walk or play with anything. She will sit right in you lap. I tried to keep today easy for her but we had a couple of doctor appointments. Hopefully, tomorrow she will fell better .

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Eating and Shopping

Thanksgiving 2009 was great. The food was awesome and the Cowboys won their game so Dallas was beaming. Unfortunately, we had some family members not at our festivities such as grandpa and the Stokes family. Grandpa was working the Dallas Cowboy game so he couldn't join the family and well the Stokes have a real good reason on why they didn't make it to Thanksgiving-a new addition Piper Lauren. Depsite the abesentees, we all had a great time. Mommy forgot her camera but auntie Nei did bring hers so once I can get those pictures I will post them on the blog. Mommy had to leave early to take Madison home for her nap so daddy and the kids stayed at Meme's and PawPaw's house till half time.

I on the other hand got up at 2:45 Friday morning to hit all the good sales on Black Friday. I literally shopped all morning and well into the afternoon. By the evening, I was tired but found myself still awake at 11pm. I did however get most of the shopping done. In the morning, I went with my sister and mom and then met up with the kids later. Daddy had physical therapy so I had the kids for a little bit then daddy took them back minus Brooklyn. Brooklyn and I had fun together shopping.

Today I took Logan with me shopping. Him and I had a blast together. I think he was in 7th heaven because he had a great big smile on his face and was just giggly the whole morning. I don't get very many days where its just me and Logan so it was nice for a change. Him and I finished some last minute things but after today only a few more things to buy and the Booth family is done Christmas shopping. Although I say I am done but I am sure I will find more good bargains so we will have to wait and see. This afternoon and evening, we decorated our outside of our house with our lights. I think it looks great. I will get a picture of the house and put it on our blog tomorrow. I think that updates everyone for now. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and can't wait to get the Christmas season going.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mommy has to have Surgery

Yes, mommy has to have sinus surgery again. I have been battling a sinus infection for the last 8 weeks or so. I had a cat scan done and it showed blockages again. Having sinus surgery is not guaranteed that it will correct the problem completely but it will relieve you of symptoms for awhile. My first sinus surgery was 2 years ago. Its an easy surgery and so is the recovery time. My normal ENT, Dr. Moore, did not think I was a candidate for surgery again so he referred me to one of his good friends, Dr. Sam Anthony in Rowlett. Yes, Rowlett but it wasn't that bad of a drive and the surgery will be in Garland. When Dr. Anthony looked at my ct scan he told me that I am definately a candidate for surgery again to fix my blockages. If they don't fix them then my infection will never go away. My surgery is scheduled for December 17th. Our family will really be ready for this year to be over with. Have a good one.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Very Busy Weakend

This weekend was full of fun. On Saturday during the day we really didn't do much. That evening we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for an early Thanksgiving dinner. Yummy, yummy! I take that back, we did decorate our first tree that goes into the family. Of course they were so eager to help out and decorate it but I had to string the lights, put the beads on and the ribbon. Once that was done with, then we had everyone participating. Logan and Brooklyn had a blast. This is the first year where Logan is getting excited about Christmas. On Friday, I put up our trees while he was sleeping so when he woke up he told me "Christmas Tree" and went over there and hugged it.

On Sunday, we had our Christmas pictures done. We just recently switched photography places and go to Portait Innovations. They are vey unexpensive but depending on the number of pictures you then the price can go up as far as 600$. What I like about them is you can pay 9.95 for one of their packets and the number of pictures you get are far more than what we got at Kiddie Kandids. The only problem with the 9.95 package is you only get one pose, but other than that we are pleased with them. Unfortuately, we got to our appointment on time, but we ended up waiting for over 30 minutes. By the time they got us positioned, Madison didn't want anything to do. They were able to get some great pictures despite the wait time. To componsate for their lateness, they didn't make us pay a dime for the picture package. For the rest of the day the kids and I decorated the other three. Logan had so much fun and so did Brooklyn. She kept on bugging me on when we will decorate and now we have. Unfortunately, Logan broke about 10 ornaments. I didn't get that upset because of his age but he didn't know they were really frangil. He will get the hang of it like Brooklyn has. So far they have been up for two days and Madison has really stayed away from the tree and ornaments and I am actually shocked. I better not open my mouth to wide or she will damage the tree. Once three was decorated she wanted to know when we could start wrapping presents.

Overall we had a pretty good busy weekend. . Now its time for me to finish cleaning the house by putting away all of the Christmas boxes and get them out of the living roon. The total number of hours that took me and the kids to decorate was well over 6 hours. It takes a long time because mommy likes perfection and I am the same way when I clean my house.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kids will say the funniest things

Brooklyn was very excited about today. Since her surgery, she has not gone to school and has been home. Today her BFF Campbell has come over to play. I don't know how many times she asked me when she was coming but eventually she made it to our house. They started playing immediately. They had gone up to Brooklyn's room, which wasn't clean. Campbell told Brooklyn "I can have my mom come over and clean your room." I stopped what I was doing and laughed hysterically. I had not heard that one before. I decided to call Campbell's mom to let her know and she got a good laugh as well. We go to the doctor this afternoon to have her bellybutton checked. I have been doing dressing changes on her bellybutton so I just hope everything is okay when we see him.
Madison is walking all over the place now. She still falls a little bit but boy she can walk fast. She has become a very needy child though and mommy is not happy with that. If you don't give her attention of some kind then she gets mad and throws a fit. She is very proud of herself and her accomplishment.
Logan is doing great. Talking up a storm. Everyday he surprises mommy with new words. He is very happy now that he can communicate with him and understand what he wants when he asks.
I 'm still working on our Christmas decorations. I have most up and the trees, but they aren't decorated just yet. Brooklyn is so excited about decorating the trees that she also asks me constantly when we are going to decorate. I keep telling her that eventually we will put them up, just be patient.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Brooklyn had surgery again

For the 5th time, Brooklyn had to have surgery again on her belly button. A simple hernia repair back in July has turn into a nightmare for us. She had another suture abscess but this time in a totally different place, on top of her bellybutton. I just feel so bad that she has had to go through this at such a young age. She really is a trooper. All the staff at Medical City Dallas, just felt bad and told me when they saw her name that not again. So far she is doing okay, I can't get her to really sit down and rest because she is a typical 4 year old. She is just mad at me because she is missing school and won't go back to school till after Thanksgiving. We see the doctor on Friday for her dressing change so I will keep everyone up to date on her progress.

Logan is really talking up a storm and has developed his personality. Today was really the first day where he talked back to mommy and I was taken back a little. I'm sure this won't be the last either.

Madison just keeps walking and walking. Every day she keeps improving on her balance and walks a little further. It will only be a matter of time before she is up and running and then mommy will really be crazy. Other than the surgery nothing else to report.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I've been busy

I am sorry that I haven't written in the blog for quite some time. I've been very busy with the kiddos and taking care of daddy. Daddy is doing quite well for having major surgery. He had his first physical therapy appointment and did great. He also got released to go back and drive. Thank gosh because that literally killed mommy and the kids. The kids are doing great. Madison is almost walking full time. She is really able to work short distances now and its any day now that she is walking permanently. Logan is doing great. Being a great big sister and talking more and more. Brooklyn is doing good also. She finished phonics last week so she now knows all of her lower case letters. Mommy and daddy are real proud of her. She will start a new phonics class in the winter after the Christmas Break. She is now 3 weeks post op from her surgery. This is the time where we start to problems with infections, etc, well he we go again. We see Dr. Kadesky tomorrow to see what to do next. I am not sure mommy can take any more of this stuff. I am just afraid this is going to scar her for life. Its just frustrating to see her go through all of this. I will keep everyone updated on her progress. I have added a cute picture of Madison and Brooklyn.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Relaxing Weekend

This weekend was really relaxing depsite daddy being in bed all weekend. Mommy did get some breaks this weekend. I had a MOMS group workshop that I attended in Grapevine to learn more about the club and how things really work. I am anxious to really get this new chapter going and get some members more involved so we can make this chapter very successful. MeMe took care of the kids while I was gone and I think the kids have enjoyed her being around all weekend. On Sunday, my parents took care of the kiddos while I went grocery shopping. They had fun and really got to see how Madison is trying to walk. She was able to walk more than 3 steps for them. She is so excited with herself when she tries to walk. She claps and giggles and does all sorts of fun stuff. Logan has enjoyed daddy being in bed. He has played games with him and daddy of course has read to him in our bed too. As for daddy, he is doing real well after his surgery. Mommy is pretty impressed on his progress. The big question will be is when he goes back to work because sitting in a chair has somewhat been a challenge for him. I will keep everyone up to date.

Friday, November 6, 2009

An exhausting day for mommy

The day started really early for mommy and daddy. First, we were woken up at 3 am with the sounds of an owl "hooing". Yes we are pretty sure it was an owl. Neither one of us could go back to sleep and we had to get up early anyways for Scott's surgery. Meme was over at our house at 445 am this morning to take care of the rest family. I got Scott off to his surgery without any problems. Meme was able to get everyone up and Brooklyn off to preschool as well. I met Scott's surgeon, Dr. Stephanie Stephens, (yes a female Orthopedic Surgeon). She was very nice. Scott's surgery ended up being a little over 2 hours. He had two tears in his hip. It looks like he has tolerated his surgery well and is being a great patient otherwise for doing this for the first time.
I got home just in time to get Brooklyn off to her post op appointment with Dr. Kadesky. She had a great appointment with him and so far everything looks great. Lets just keep our fingers crossed that everything will work this time and no more surgeries for her.

Tonight, Madison was crawling into our bedroom and Daddy told her to get up and walk. Well she got straight up and by gosh she walked at least 10 steps before she fell down. When she fell she clapped and was so happy with herself. Mommy and daddy were so proud of her and I just wish that I had the camera going. I guess I can't get everything on video. Its been a very long day and mommy is very tired. Right now we are all in our bed watching "Tinkerbell" even Lilly is in bed with Scott sleeping right next to him. I will keep everyone updated on everyone's progress. Have a great evening.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Madison has more teeth

Madison now has 4 teeth on bottom. She had three on bottom and it looked funny so now with her 4th tooth she looks very cute. She is also getting her molars already. I am not sure when the other two got their molars but I do know they were walking by that time. Madison is still trying to walk. She it up to 3-5 steps before she falls. She keeps trying and she won't give up. Today, Brooklyn has her school pictures. She was so excited to wear a dress. She loves getting her picture taken. Not much else to report on. Daddy has his preop appointment yesterday she he is now official, no turning back now. He says he's not scared but he also doesn't show much emotion either. We will see on Friday whether he is scared or not.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Brooklyn Returns to School

Today was Brooklyn's first day back at school. She was anxious to go back but when I picked her up today she wasn't very tired. Ms Tory told me that she wasn't has enthusiastic today and kind of took it slow. Brooklyn is the kind of kid who doesn't slow down but when she doesn't feel good you will notice a difference in her attitude and playfulness. She was also introduced the letter "Z" today and took home another book. We read the book tonight and she did very well. She is really catching onto reading. Overall the kids are somewhat sick with either a cold or allergies. We think trick or treating has caused all of this. Everyone is sneezing and coughing so its hard to say who has what but no fever.

Madison is still trying to walk. She is very determined to get this walking thing down. I am pretty confident that she will walk by Thanksgiving. At least that is my goal for her. Daddy and Mommy really try and work with her on taking steps.

As everyone knows I love Christmas so I take the whole month of November to get the house ready for Christmas. So when December comes, all of the decorations are up with our two trees. Brooklyn loves to help decorate and get into the holiday spirit. I will be anxious to see what Madison does this year with the trees and or decorations. I hope nothing. Well we will keep everyone updated. See you all soon.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Fun Halloween Evening

This kids were so anxious to go out and trick or treat. Everyone got in their costumes and loved them. No one didn't want to take them off once they got on but I will have to say they were the cutest kids on the block. It was always a race between Logan and Brooklyn on who was going to ring the door bell. The kids got way too much candy but it will be fun to go through it all and see what we have and what we can throw at. This was really the first Halloween that Logan had fun with and kind of got the concept on the whole idea. Next year, Madison will be where Logan was this year. I have added some pictures of last night at the Booth's. Even Lilly got dressed up as a pumpkin.