Monday, November 23, 2009

A Very Busy Weakend

This weekend was full of fun. On Saturday during the day we really didn't do much. That evening we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for an early Thanksgiving dinner. Yummy, yummy! I take that back, we did decorate our first tree that goes into the family. Of course they were so eager to help out and decorate it but I had to string the lights, put the beads on and the ribbon. Once that was done with, then we had everyone participating. Logan and Brooklyn had a blast. This is the first year where Logan is getting excited about Christmas. On Friday, I put up our trees while he was sleeping so when he woke up he told me "Christmas Tree" and went over there and hugged it.

On Sunday, we had our Christmas pictures done. We just recently switched photography places and go to Portait Innovations. They are vey unexpensive but depending on the number of pictures you then the price can go up as far as 600$. What I like about them is you can pay 9.95 for one of their packets and the number of pictures you get are far more than what we got at Kiddie Kandids. The only problem with the 9.95 package is you only get one pose, but other than that we are pleased with them. Unfortuately, we got to our appointment on time, but we ended up waiting for over 30 minutes. By the time they got us positioned, Madison didn't want anything to do. They were able to get some great pictures despite the wait time. To componsate for their lateness, they didn't make us pay a dime for the picture package. For the rest of the day the kids and I decorated the other three. Logan had so much fun and so did Brooklyn. She kept on bugging me on when we will decorate and now we have. Unfortunately, Logan broke about 10 ornaments. I didn't get that upset because of his age but he didn't know they were really frangil. He will get the hang of it like Brooklyn has. So far they have been up for two days and Madison has really stayed away from the tree and ornaments and I am actually shocked. I better not open my mouth to wide or she will damage the tree. Once three was decorated she wanted to know when we could start wrapping presents.

Overall we had a pretty good busy weekend. . Now its time for me to finish cleaning the house by putting away all of the Christmas boxes and get them out of the living roon. The total number of hours that took me and the kids to decorate was well over 6 hours. It takes a long time because mommy likes perfection and I am the same way when I clean my house.

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