Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A monumental day for Brooklyn and a scarey day for Madison

It's never a dull moment in the Booth family. Today started out as normal for us. I dropped off Brooklyn at school and mommy and the kids ran errands till dance class. Before dance class, we registered Brooklyn for kindergarden today. It was kind of a sad day for me because my first born is growing up and is going to a big school in the fall. I just remember finding out I was pregnant with her let alone giving birth to her as well and now she is turning 5 and getting ready for kindergarden. It's amazing how time flies. On May 13th, we have an orientation for the parents and for her to see the school and get a feeling on how things will be for her in the fall. Once we were done with all of that, I stopped at home to change diapers and fill up sippy cups and off we were to get Brooklyn to go to dance class.

Dance class started off as normal. I got Brooklyn dressed and off she went. Madison and Logan were busy playing and I was busy chasing Madison. Toward the end of dance class, Madison was getting a little tired so I put her in her stroller. Needless to say that was the turning point of the day. I noticed Madison foaming out of the mouth and told Michelle something isn't right with Madison. I took her out of the stroller and she was unresponsive. I had someone call 911 because at that point I new she was having a seizure. Her brother Logan had a febral seizure 4 months ago so I was familiar with all of the symptoms. Thank gosh I was somewhere where I had friends and others around. The paramedics got to the dance studio and Madison was real lethargic and sure enough runing a 104 temp. Mommy got to ride in the ambulance for the second time this year. This is something you don't want to make a habbit of. My best friend Michelle took Brooklyn and Logan while I went to the hospital with Madison. Madison was a tough cookie today and poor thing didn't know what was going on. She ended up having a double ear infection and a moderate case of her brochials being inflamed which means in English, bronchitis. The funny thing is she hasn't been pulling on her ears nor does she have a cough but at least we know why she was running a fever. No parent should have to experience this nor should one have to experience twice in one year. All I have to say is thank goodness for great friends and 911.

By the end of the day we were all exhausted and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. We follow up with the pediatrician so I will keep everyone updated on Madison's illness.

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