Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Week

Another week is approaching quickly. Logan finished another week of summer camp. When we pick him from school he so happy to see me and he can't wait to show us his art work. We have his artwork hanging in our family room above the fireplace. He insisted that his artwork hangs right there. Overall he is liking school, which makes mommy and daddy very happy. Brooklyn is stil continuing her phonics and progressing nicely. This week she has had something else in her mind, her birthday party. She had a birthday party last year with just 4 friends and this year it's much bigger, with 18 kids. Now that's alot. She can't wait till Saturday. I remember when I had birthday parties I was so excited and I would ask each day when the party was. Madison is doing great. She is as hyper as can be. She really is busy body on the go from the time she wakes up to the time she goes to bed. She's like the engergizer bunny. She is starting to more and more words. Well, that is it for now.

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