Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Three Muskateers

Well its been really uneventful for the Booth family. I don't know if that is a good thing or not, but when we get all three children playing together it's a riot. I wish they played like this all the time but that is wishful thinking. Madison has joined in the fun singing on stage with Logan and Brooklyn. Madison has been watching them two and now has figured out what to do. It's a joy to watch all three of them. It's amazing how they are all growing up.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brooklyn and Logan Having Fun

While mommy and daddy were watching the cowboys loose, Brooklyn and Logan were having fun. They always love to play together and this time they were entertaining mommy and daddy. They were both singing and dancing on the fire place and playing the guitars at the same time. They are so cute when they do this. Mommy just wishes they would play like this all the time but I guess that is wishful thinking. Mommy was able to get pictures and daddy video taped them.

Brooklyn Has Her Second Soccer Match

Brooklyn had her second soccer game of the season. They really aren't keeping score just making sure the girls are playing the game correctly. Mommy didn't attend the game due to her knee but we had daddy helping the coach and Logan cheering on. Also, grandma and grandpa were there as well. The coach told my parents that Brooklyn is really getting the hang of soccer. We are very proud of her and she really is having fun doing this. At least this game wasn't as hot as last week. Thank goodness for that. She is already asking when her next game is.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mommy Has Knee Surgery

This morning I had knee surgery on my left knee. I have a history of knee problems and it dates back to my high school days. Its not fun. My last surgery was 5 years ago with Dr. John Conway. Since then I have had 3 beautiful kids and my time is limited so I opted to have a surgeon closer to me do the surgery. Dr. James Walter did my knee surgery. He as great respect in this area and even my old surgeon has recommended him as well. I did have a second opinion to see what really needs to be done. I had 3 options, don't do anything, scope the knee and or have a patella reallignment. I opted for the scope, less invasive. He did clean out my knee but when he was in there we found out that my knee cap is really out of place. That was my worse fear because that is a more invasive surgery and takes awhile to get back to normal. I will have to make that decision but I also would like to live pain free as well. Daddy has been a great mommy. Although the kids don't understand why I have to stay in bed. They always need mommy. Other than that, everyone is doing fine.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Logan Sings

While I was driving Logan to school yesterday, he started to sing Twinkle Twinkle little star. He was so excited and wanted me to turn around and watch him. He was singing in the car doing signs for the song. I told him I was so proud of him for singing the song. He just had a big smile on his face and continued to sing. These are the times that are priceless and I wish everyone could see this. I even asked his teacher if they were learning the song and they are. He just kept smiling and singing at the same time.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brooklyn's First Soccer Game

Brooklyn was so happy for her soccer game. She couldn't wait until 4 pm came. We arrived at the the complex around 330. That parking lot was full to capacity, even some areas over the capacity. We found field 10 and we waited for the team. As we were reading the rules, we found out that they can't wear any earings. As you all know, she got her ears pierced 3 weeks ago. I had to take them out or Brooklyn couldn't play. Mommy was successful in getting them out. The team as a whole did very well. Even though we scored less goals than the other team I thought everyone out there was having fun. Brooklyn looked like a pro at soccer. What didn't anticipate was how hot it was. We had the whole family with us and Grandma and Grandpa and Nei Nei came to the game as well. Renee volunteered to take the kids home because it was just too hot. They did get to see the start of the game. The game plays in quarters. Each quarter is 10 minutes. Brooklyn played a big chunk of the game and boy when it was over she was tired.

Logan Loves His School

When I picked up Logan on Friday he was so excited. He couldn't wait to show me what he made. It was a brown teddy bear with all kinds of decorations. He had the biggest smile on his face. As I said, he loves school and doesn't understand why he can't go 5 days a week. I think if there was school 5 days a week he would be in it. He shares the same passion that Brooklyn has right now. His teacher even says he plays with all the students and if he wants to play with someone in particular then he will ask them. His shyness is slowly going away. His teachers also said that he is a joy to have in their class. That makes me feel good as a mom.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brooklyn's First Soccer Game

Today we had soccer practice. The Tuesday practice was cancelled due to the rain. Brooklyn didn't understand why practice was cancelled. She blamed me but I explained to her the reasons why it was cancelled. We did have the makeup practice and the girls look good. We also got her uniform. They are pink and white. Brooklyn's number is 5. She is so excited about the game on Saturday. The game will be at 4pm in the afternoon at Warren Sporst area. I am not sure which field so if you all want to come you might want to call me and I will know more on Saturday. Also, Jason, their coach, needed an assistant coach because he will be out of town and they won't allow any substitutes so he needed an assistant. At first, I nominated Scott, for the position but I found out that it is the same weekend as his company meeting downtown. Therefore, I took on the job of the assistant coach. Now I don't know anything about soccer but I told Jason that I will help in any way and it's only 1 game that I have coach. I am anxious for that game. I will have to say it might be fun. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brooklyn Gets Her First Homework Assignment

I remember when I was in kindergarten I know that I didn't have any homework. In fact, it was awhile that I got homework but FISD does differently. They assign the student a month of homework at you do it at your own pace but it must be turned in at the end of the month. Each day there is a different assignment. We actually go to the FISD website and then download the material. It looks like Brooklyn will be practicing her letter writing and sounds with words. This should be fun. They do this homework so the students can get use to doing homework. In First grade, they will have homework every night. It's crazy! Brooklyn loves doing homework because she had some at Apple Creek.

Madison Has 2 Year Well Check

This morning Madison had her 2 year well check up. Who would have known it was going to be raining this hard. If this wasn't scheduled out so long I would have chosen to stay at home. Madison did very well and only got 2 shots. One was the flu shot though. Madison is also growing. She nows weighs a whopping 27.6 pounds. I had to get in the .6. She is now 35 1/4 inches tall. She went being in the 60th percentile last year to 80% this year. She had a huge growth spurt. I was shocked. Her head is normal size and in the 25th percentile. This just means she has a small head for her size. Who wants big heads. Other than that, the doctor says she looks great. So far she has been real healthy. Lets hope we get through the fall and winter season without any illnesses.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Madison Turns 2

Gosh, it doesn't seem possible that my youngest child is now 2. Time Flies! We celebrated her birthday on Saturday but her real birthday was yesterday. Everyone had a good time at the party. Brooklyn was busy playing with her cousin, who she doesn't get to see very often. They had a blast. Madison was the star of the party. She ate everything we put in front of her and she loved her cake. She did much better this time eating the cake and not getting the cake everywhere. She got lots of presents and is busy playing with all of them. She thanks everyone who gave her a gift. Enjoy the pictures

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brooklyn Starts her New Dance Class

Brooklyn was really excited to start her new dance class. She was so excited and it seemed to me that she liked it a lot. I am not sure if mommy likes it as much but we have paid for 1 month so we will see what happens. There are no dress codes, etc so that is a good thing. Brooklyn' and Campbell are in the same class so we will see what happens. Check back with me in a month and I might have a different attitude about the new school.

Our Final cat Sammy is in Kitty Heaven

Renee called me yesterday afternoon and told me that Sammy had had a stroke and that she was spitting up blood. I was extremely upset because he was the last animal from my child hood. I picked Sammy up from grandpa's and off we went. I took him to the place where Scott took Guy. They had asked if I wanted to be a part of it but I declined. I don't think I could see anything like that especially if it's one of your owns. He is now in kitty heaven with all of our other animals. We wish him the best.

Logan Attend Day 2

Logan was really eager to get back to school. He was so excited. All morning he would bug we when we were going to school. Finally, the time came and he had a blast. He even made some art work to take home. He did get sent home an accident report sheet but just to let me know that he fell playing outside. The bigeee. It was a good day for him. He was ready to come home and see Brooklyn.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Night of Soccer Practice

Brooklyn was so excited to start soccer practice. There are 8 girls on the team and her coach's name is Jason Price. His daughter Ava goes to the same school and they live in the same neighborhood. They are all excited. We do the practices at Pink Elementary from 530 to 630pm. The girls looked cute out there kicking the ball around . I will have to say it was very hor last night there. Mommy and Madison left while daddy and had logan and Brooklyn with him. I went home and tried to get dinner going. I think it will be a fun soccer season. Enjoy the pictures.

Logan Starts Preschool Today

Logan was so excited to start school. He doesn't go to school till 1155 to 240 pm. He asked me all morning if we are ready to go and I told him that we will go right after lunch. I will so proud of him because he allowed me to take some pictures. We go there, I took one more picture and he put his bag in his cubby hole and turned around and told me "Go home, don't need you here" I was shocked but I knew that Logan would be just fine. The summer session has helped us trememendously. There were alot of kids crying but not mine. He ran to the table with plato and started playing. I never had to look back because I knew he would be just fine where is was. When it was time for me to pick him up he had a smile on his face so then I knew he had a great day.

Brooklyn rides the Bus for the First Time

Brooklyn was very excited about riding the bus to school. She has been asking me about for ever but now the day has come anc mommy and daddy are fine with her riding the bus. In fact, it helps mommy in the afternoons because I get Logan on MWF at 240pm. So far so good. I didn't have my camera to get a picture but I will. She made it to school okay and back home with no problems. I think we have it a homerun here. There are many friends in our neighborhodd that ride the bus so I feel 100% comfortable that Brooklyn can ride the bus and be safe.