Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Madison Has 2 Year Well Check

This morning Madison had her 2 year well check up. Who would have known it was going to be raining this hard. If this wasn't scheduled out so long I would have chosen to stay at home. Madison did very well and only got 2 shots. One was the flu shot though. Madison is also growing. She nows weighs a whopping 27.6 pounds. I had to get in the .6. She is now 35 1/4 inches tall. She went being in the 60th percentile last year to 80% this year. She had a huge growth spurt. I was shocked. Her head is normal size and in the 25th percentile. This just means she has a small head for her size. Who wants big heads. Other than that, the doctor says she looks great. So far she has been real healthy. Lets hope we get through the fall and winter season without any illnesses.

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