Monday, October 25, 2010

A Sad Ending

I am sad to report that Grandpa took Sydney to the vet and we put her down. We spoke with Dr. Bobo on Friday and told us to wait because she might get through her paralysis. Unfortunately, she wasn't eating and when grandpa took her in the vet told him there was a good possibility that she had a brain tumor. We did the right thing but what is hard was that Renee, her caregiver, was not there to say goodbye to her. We love our animals but the worst part about owning animals is dealing with the fact that we would have to put them down or they will die on their own. This makes #3 for our family and I hope this is it for many years to come. At least Renee was able to give Sydney 2 more good years of her life because we did find out that before being adopted she was bouncing back and forth from the SPCA.

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