Monday, March 28, 2011

Brooklyn's teacher comes back to School

Many of you probably didn't know that Brooklyn's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Womack, had a heart attack over Spring Break. The first part of spring break, she had the flu and then she got shingles and the night that I brought over dinner for her and her family she had a heart attack. Her teacher is the most fit teacher, she eats very healthy and is always working out. She does not fit the profile what so ever. Well I went into room mom mode and kept the student's parents updated for the past two weeks, she missed her birthday and today we welcomed her back with open arms. I had all the students bring in a flower to welcome her back, and at lunch time I came and decorated her room and then they celebrated her birthday with a yummy cookie cake. Last Tuesday was her real birthday and I delivered her a cupcake, her class birthday gift, and a subway sandwich. I have never seen a teacher so emotional before. When she opened her gift, she was just in tears and speechless. As the class mom, I took the money I collected and bought her a pandora bracelet from Brighton, with an apple that says #1 teacher, and a charm of a little boy and a charm of a little girl to represent her kids. Needless to say she loved the present and the class enjoyed their cookie cake. Growing up I remember only 3 teachers that touched my life and Mrs. Womack has touched my life but has touched Brooklyn's life in way that she will remember for the rest of her life. I truly believe that it takes a special person to be a teacher especially a kindergarten teacher. Those are the teachers you want to have.

1 comment:

  1. Brooklyn, you will always remember the teachers that touch you the most. She is the one you will look back on and was greatful for what she taught me and I can use in life further. I love you Brooklyn!
