Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brooklyn gets a great 6 wks report card

Brooklyn's teacher Ms. Tory called me this morning to discuss Brooklyn's progress in preschool. Before she started preschool I didn't know what to expect from her or how well she will do. The teacher agrees that having her in preschool 5 days a week has helped tremendously. I was told she is very eager to learn and will always ask if she is doing something correctly. Thats my girl. She has done very well in writing her name. The first day she didn't know how to write her name and 6 weeks later, with little help, she can write her name. She has almost recognized all of her letters and numbers that they have focused on. This week they are focusing on the letter "f". They are discussing feelings and how feelings can show emotions, etc. Ms. Tory told me that she gets along with all her classmates and they are learning if there are any accidents to try and problem solve the situation. If she continues the path she is taking now she will be well prepared to go to kindergarten next year. My first born going to kindergarten next year, how time flies when you are having fun.

Also, today she came home and told me that she needed some stickers. I asked her why and she told me she needed to mail some letters to her classmates. I explained to her that those stickers are stamps and they cost money. Her response to me was, well mommy you just go to target and buy me some stamps. All I could do is laugh at her.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Like Father like son or like mother like son

Logan is really trying hard to talk more and understand what all these words mean. Since he is the only boy, he is surrounded by girls all day long. He really doesn't have anyone to play trucks with or catch with until daddy gets home. I don't think Logan minds all that because he is constantly wathing me do everything. He will go in my closet and get one of my pairs of shoes and where those or he likes carrying around grandma's purse now. He even likes playing with Brooklyn's dolls. This morning he decided his baby doll needed a diaper change so he took her to the changing table and began changing her diaper. It was adorable.

He really is trying to talk more too. His new word of the day is school bus. When we take Brooklyn to preschool there are a lot of school busses out there and sure enough he recognizes the busses. He is always asking "whats that" and once I respond back to him he says "OH" He is really growing up.

Today Brooklyn had a rough day at school. One of her classmates accidently hit her. She wasn't very happy but her teacher Ms Tory told her it was an accident and that the child didn't mean to hit her. Once we got in the car she told me she didn't want to go back to preschool. I told things like that will happen and 99% of the time they didn't mean to hit one another. I told her that if she gets hit, not to hit that person back. She told she didn't hit him back but was upset about the whole situation. As you can see, the drama has already begun and she is only in preschool.

Poor Logan

I feel so sorry for Logan. His older sister Brooklyn is really rubbing off on Logan. She now dresses him in her dresses and or her pajamas. Logan can't really defend himself right now but I promise that when he can, he will get back at Brooklyn. I have to admit they love playing with each other and watching them two play is priceless. All I can do as a mom is sit back and watch. They really know how to get a laugh out of mommy and daddy.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Celebrating Grandma's birthday

This evening we had Grandma, Grandpa and Nei Nei over to celebrate Grandma's 63rd birthday. (I hope she doesn't mind me putting that in the blog) Brooklyn was so excited for them to come over for dinner. All day she kept asking me when they were coming. Of course she still doesn't understand the concept of time but that will come in time. When everyone comes over they play nonstop and give mommy and daddy a break from them. Grandma and Grandpa played doctor with Brooklyn. She loves to play doctor anytime, doesn't matter who it is. Of course when it's time to go she isn't too happy but she knows that she can see them anytime she wants. When Grandma was opening up her cards, Brooklyn and Logan were helping. Sometimes Brooklyn gets a little too anxious and forgets it's their day and not hers. She is still learning. Everyone had a great time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kids will be kids

This past Wednesday, Brooklyn always goes to dance after preschool and then we will play with Campbell, her BFF. I sware, these two could play for hours if you would let them. This time Campbell came over to our house and Logan loves it as well. He knows he doesn't have to take his nap as early on this day plus he has more playmates to play with. Both Campbell and Brooklyn, manage to conn Logan into play doctor or house and Logan gets to be the "baby". He loves it =) So you can say they are like the three muskateers. Later that evening, as divas as they are, I come to find out that they decided to paint nails in Brooklyn's closet. Little did I know until Campbell's mom called me and informed me of this incident. Normally they are pretty good about staying out of trouble but they are 3 and 4 so they are going to get into some mischief.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Logan said a new word

We had to pick up grandma at the train station this evening and as we were driving home. Logan looked outside his window and loud and clear said "Target". Thats my boy, he knows where mommy likes to go shopping. It was funny to hear it because it felt like out of the blue he just says Target. I am pretty sure Logan is really smart but sometimes takes a step back because he doesn't want many people knowing what he already knows. I also have a witness to this event and it was as Logan would say;"Gwandma". Gwandma got a good laugh out it as well.

An exciting day for Madison

Yesterday, Madison finally figured out how to crawl up the stairs. This is not good for mommy or daddy. She has been trying for weeks to figure this out and all of a sudden yesterday I noticed her going upstairs. She had a blast. This just means that now I really have to keep a close eye on her because she hasn't figured out how to come down the stairs. Needless to say, she was very happy that she has accomplished this task.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Toothfairy

Today, Brooklyn was so excited about learning the letter "T". She drew many T's and they looked great but she told me the best thing was the "toothfairy". We really haven't told her about the tooth fairy. She asked me when she was going to loose her teeth so the toothfairy could come visit her. Although, she told me that she wouldn't come unless she was sleeping. I asked her what the toothfairy brought and she started to tell me things like stuff animals, candy, books, etc but the most important gift was of course "money". I asked her how much and she told me $100.00 per tooth. I told her what kind of toothfairy gives a child $100.00 per tooth and she said " A very good girl" Mommy just sat back and laughed. She cannot wait now to loose her teeth.

A relaxed weekend

This past weekend was very relaxing. On Friday, I had my MOMS group at my house and Madison had a ball with her new friends. She met Brighton, 10 months and Katelyn who was 6 months. This was her first time to really play with kids her own size. She didn't know what to do. By the end of the play group, she was exhausted to say the least. On Saturday, Brooklyn can't get use to the idea that on the weekends she doesn't get to go to preschool. I have told her you need to enjoy your weekends and have fun. Eventhough I tell her that, everyday she still asks me if I am going to school or not. Scott and I had a parent orientation at her school. It was very informative and gave us some insight on what they will be learning and also getting them ready for kindergarten. Brooklyn keeps asking me when she can go on a school bus and I have told her that next school year you will be able to ride the bus. She is very independent and I think ready to enjoy school. Her school gives her these little books with a certain letter and this last week they were working on the letter "M" These books will help her read and by gosh by the end of the book, which is only 5 pages, she was able to read it without very little help. She was so excited and so was Mommy and Daddy. Other than that, nothing really exciting happened in our household. Brooklyn, Logan and Madison just had fun playing with each other. The highlight was when Logan came downstairs in Brooklyn's pajamas with a pink tutu on. I thought it was hysterical. I didn't get the picture in time but did get a picture with her pajamas on.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A fun evening

Today was a great day. Brooklyn has a new word and its "Marvelous". She may not know how to spell but she definately, knows what it means. She also made blue berry muffins in class today. As soon as she got in the car, she told me she didn't make one for me but I was fine with that. Logan had a busy day playing with Madison. She is starting to say "MAMA and DADA" more and to our faces. She is really starting to be voiceful! Brooklyn and Logan really play hard in the evening and I have included a cute picture of them two. They really give mommy and daddy a break in the evening by playing with each other unless they are fighting.

Another week

Sorry that I haven't updated our blog but we have been very busy. Logan got a great update from the ENT specialists. It looks like we have gotten the yeast under control after 6 months of trying to beat this. Brooklyn saw her surgeon yesterday regarding her belly button. Bad new here, she has another underlying infection and trying to spit out more sutures. We are trying to prevent another surgery if we can't get out all the old sutures. We are going to give it till November to see if we can get them out and if not then she will have to go back in for another surgery. Lets keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't have to another surgery. Everyone else is doing great. Madison is trying very hard to walk. She has now figured out how to move the highchair and climb the stairs. It won't be long now before she walk on her own. I am now volunteering how the room mom for Brooklyn's school. She is very excited and I am also excited to get more involved in her school. She was also excited that she got to take home the class lizard. She read a book about the lizzard and we got to write in a journal for the whole class to share. She wasn't very happy about returning it to school but I told her that her other classmates also get a turn to take it home and write about it. She started to write her letters and they are working on the M's. She is so excited on learning to write. I can't wait for her to write her name. Well I think that is it for now. I have included a picture of Brooklyn and her bff Campbell. She always looks forward to Wednesday as that is her dance day but also her day to have fun with Campbell.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A gloomy but great day in the Booth household

This weekend has been a gloomy and rainy weekend. We needed the rain so I am not complaining. Today was a great day because for so long I have been wanting to get pictures of all the kids together and alone. We tried back at Easter time but Logan didn't want anything to do with picture taking. I normally have pictures done for the kids birthdays but we have been busy doing other things and its always been put on the back burner. Finally, I got my wish and we were very successful with picture taking. Logan surprised me and had a great time and yes we even got him to smile. Madison was the one who had trouble. I thought she would have enjoyed getting her picture made but not today. In the end, I was happy with the results.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A new addition to the family

As everyone knows our first pet, Guy, passed away on July 11, 2009 in his bed peacefully. He was a really great dog but had his health issues. We had rescued him from the Richardson Humane Society. He was abadoned and an older dog so it took awile for him to get adopted and sure enough we took him home and gave him a great life. Soon after that day we started looking for another dog. We really didn't know what we wanted but we knew that we wanted to rescue another dog. We finally decided on another Boston Terrier. We had to go through a long process before we could be approved but we had no problems. We adopted a dog named Lilly. She was only in the Boston Rescue home 1 day. Her previous owner had to go into a nursing home so she couldn't take care of her. We heard of Lilly, she made a stop at our home to visit us and our kids to see if she would be a great fit to our family. It didn't take long before I knew she was the one. She is an overweight Boston Terrier of 28 pounds so she is on the pudgy side. We have her on a diet to loose about 8 pounds or so. She has adapted to our crazy house well and loves the kids. She loves to play and be scratched on her belly. She also likes to give lots of kisses.

Madison's 1 year well check up

Today was Madison's first year well check up. As everyone knows she was quite the tiny one when she was born. She only weighed 5 pounds and 17 inches long. As of today, she now weighs in at 18 pounds 11 ounces and 29 1/4 inches long. She is still a little peanut but a very healthy little girl. She recieved 4 shots today and remarkably she does well with them, better than our other two children. Hopefully we can get through the winter months without getting sick. Madison is really trying hard to keep up with her sister and brother. She can walk if she holds onto the couch but still isn't interested in walking by herself. I don't think mommy can handle all three kids walking and running at the same time. Our house hold is aleady chaos adding another walker would just add to the mess. We will keep everyone updated with her progression.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A typical Monday but on a Tuesday

Today started off great. Brooklyn was ready to go to preschool as always and had a great time. She is learning new songs and teaching mommy and daddy constantly everynight. They are also working on her hand writing and teaching her how to write her name. She is soooo excited about that. Fortunately, my son Logan has been battling ear infections for months now. He actually had surgery a week ago to reinsert the ear tubes and his adenoids out. The surgery didn't correct the yeast that has been growing in his ears. Our physician gave us three specialists to call and none of them could get Logan in immediately except Dr. Stephen Landers, who saw him today. He informed me that he needed his ear flushed out on a weekly basis until the yeast was gone. I told him didn't they do that in surgery and he told me not exactly. They have to have some kind of special medicine to flush the yeast out. Logan was a good patient but visualize a 2 year old trying to stay still while they flush the ear out. Dr Landers told me repeatedly that this didn't hurt him so I trust him on that. We will have to have weekly visits until all the yeast is out. Poor boy. I will keep everyone updated on his status.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Brooklyn's First Day of School

Brooklyn started Preschool last Monday. She is attending Apple Creek in Frisco. She attends 5 days a week for about 2 1/2 hours a day. She did well her first week. She has 17 classmates with 2 teachers. She is always asking if she can go back, I just tell her you will be going to school for the next 20 + years. She is having fun and I can't wait to see her progress. She picks out her clothes each day and believe me she knows how to match up clothes and she is only 4.

Madison's First Birthday

It has been 1 year in waiting for Madison to turn the big "1". She has surprised everyone on how well she did her first year despite her being 2 months premature. You wouldn't know any better that we brought her home at 4lbs 6oz. She is an active one year old and tries to do everything that her older brother, Logan and her bigger sister Brooklyn does. She strives everyday to do new things. She just now started drinking whole milk-yea no more formula, saves mommy and daddy money-and she now she has decided to not eat baby food anymore. Thats a good thing, that stuff just doesn't taste good. On Thursday she has her well baby checkup so we will get an update on how tall she is and how much she ways. We will keep you posted.