Monday, September 7, 2009

Brooklyn's First Day of School

Brooklyn started Preschool last Monday. She is attending Apple Creek in Frisco. She attends 5 days a week for about 2 1/2 hours a day. She did well her first week. She has 17 classmates with 2 teachers. She is always asking if she can go back, I just tell her you will be going to school for the next 20 + years. She is having fun and I can't wait to see her progress. She picks out her clothes each day and believe me she knows how to match up clothes and she is only 4.

1 comment:

  1. Brooklyn, I wish I was there to see you off to your first day of school. I know you had a blast because you said you did. You even learned the chicken dance!!! Best of luck, because you have 20+ years to go, but enjoy!!

    Aunt Nei Nei
