Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brooklyn gets a great 6 wks report card

Brooklyn's teacher Ms. Tory called me this morning to discuss Brooklyn's progress in preschool. Before she started preschool I didn't know what to expect from her or how well she will do. The teacher agrees that having her in preschool 5 days a week has helped tremendously. I was told she is very eager to learn and will always ask if she is doing something correctly. Thats my girl. She has done very well in writing her name. The first day she didn't know how to write her name and 6 weeks later, with little help, she can write her name. She has almost recognized all of her letters and numbers that they have focused on. This week they are focusing on the letter "f". They are discussing feelings and how feelings can show emotions, etc. Ms. Tory told me that she gets along with all her classmates and they are learning if there are any accidents to try and problem solve the situation. If she continues the path she is taking now she will be well prepared to go to kindergarten next year. My first born going to kindergarten next year, how time flies when you are having fun.

Also, today she came home and told me that she needed some stickers. I asked her why and she told me she needed to mail some letters to her classmates. I explained to her that those stickers are stamps and they cost money. Her response to me was, well mommy you just go to target and buy me some stamps. All I could do is laugh at her.

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