Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Good Report Card for Brooklyn

Brooklyn is on track to enter Kindergarten in the fall. Scott and I spoke with her teachers on Wednesday to go over her progress and how well she has done since the beginning of the school year. I won't go over everything that was discussed but will give you all a general idea on how well she is doing, what she still needs work on, what she has mastered and what she hasn't done at all.

Brooklyn has mastered quite a bit since the beginning of the school year. Some of the things she has mastered is she can recognize her printed name, her age, states her parents names upon request, repeats a series of 4 numbers, recognizes numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, draws human figures with head, body, arms, legs, fingers, face and feet. She also knows left from right. She can cut in a straight line, hold a pencil correctly, cares for her own clothing such as hanging up her jacket etc, goes to the bathroom and washes her hands.

Here are a few things that she has not quite accomplished yet but will by the time school is done: knows her phone number, her address, can name an object for each letter of the alphabet, and can tie her shoes on her own.

There are many things that she is still progressing on but doing well for her age. I am not going to mention everything but here are a few things that she is progressing on: counts to 20 or more, can draw recognizable shapes, recognizes all capital letters (the only one she has problems with is "U"), recognizes lowercase letters ( the ones we are still working on are h,y,a,i,c,g), recognizes sounds for each letter, speaks clearly enough, follows directions, plays cooperatively, helps and participates in general classroom clean-up, sings, being persistent, stands up for her own rights, and pays attention during instruction time.

Both of her teachers were quite pleased of her progress and how well she has come since the beginning of the school year. Brooklyn is very eager to learn and I think she will do quite well next year. Both teachers say she is well liked by all of her classmates and she plays with all of her classmates as well. Mommy and daddy were real pleased with out the conference went and can't wait to see how things progress for the rest of the year.

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