Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year-2010

First and foremost, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and brought 2010 in with a bang. We had a great Christmas and as for New Year's, everyone in our household except mommy was sick and was in bed well before midnight. I said "Happy New Year" to myself and went to bed. Its a New Year's Eve that I would not like to remember at all.

I am also not going to try and tell you everything in one entry from the last time that I wrote last. One of my new years resolution's is to write in my blog everyday and if not everyday then every other day depending on the amount of time I have and if anything really exciting happened where you all have to know immediately.

Lets go back to the week before Christmas. I had surgery on December 17th for my sinuses. I had sinus surgery two years ago on my left sinus and for the last two years. My sinuses never gave me any problems. It wasn't until the last 5 months or so I started to get constant sinus infections and none of the antibiotics or medicinces they were giving me were working. I had a cat scan done of my sinuses and sure enough I had four blockages of my sinuse cavities. The first surgery, I only had my left side done but this time I had blockages on both cavities. My original ENT didn't think I was a surgery candidate, I didn't believe him and pushed for the surgery but instead he referred me to one of his buddies Dr. Sam Anthony in Rowleett. I have to say he was a great doctor and I will continue to see him from now on. The surgery took over an hour but was able to open up the cavities even more so hopefully this won't happen again. He did tell my dad I had a lot of scar tissue from my previous surgery that also caused some of my problems and later down the road we found out that I had staph growing in there as well. Not a pretty site but I am on the right road to recovery.

The following Monday, I had had wrist surgery on my left wrist. I had torn cartilage and a gangolian cysts on my wrist. This was caused by numerous falls throughout the years. I finally got up the nerve and did something about the pain and in the end was well another surgery for Jennifer. I started 2009 having surgery and I ended 2009 having surgeries. My first new years resolution is to stay out of the hospitals and operating rooms. I was in a splint for Christmas but overall it really wasn't that painful and I am glad I did the surgery. I saw my doctor on Monday and was released already so that makes me a happy patient. I have one incision on top of my wrist but in 6 months or so you won't be able to see anything.

Today was Brooklyn's first day back to dance class. She was so excited to go back because they are now going to start practicing for their recitial in June. She loves dance a lot and I think its an activity we will keep her in for awhile. She loves her teacher and of course her BFF Campbell is in her class as well. After class, our regular routine is to take the girls to the mall and eat lunch and then play in the play area. During the holidays we did a lot of shopping so now everything has slowed down and we are back to playing.

Each day I will catch everyone up. Tomorrow I will write on Christsmas eve and show some of those pictures. Eventually I will be caught up so I only have to write on that days events.

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