Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brooklyn's Last Day of School

Brooklyn had tears in her eyes when I picked her up today. As the room Mom we presented the teachers with a photo collage of all the kids and we gave them gift cards to a store of their choice. They were great teachers for Brooklyn and she has accomplished so many things there. She also made some good friends there as well. She still doesn't understand how school ends and there is no more school until the fall but eventually she will be bugging me when our next holiday is. I better enjoy this while it lasts. I did take a picture of her before we went to school and after I picked her up in front of the school. It just doesn't seem possible that it will be summer soon. Have a great one.

An Update on the baby birds

This morning they were really talking and the mama bird and the papa bird were just watching the nest. They seem to be progressing fine and they actually look like real birds now. The whole family has enjoyed this experience. When I went ou there tonight I could hear the mama and papa bird talking to each others but the babies were no longer in their nest. I do know the nest was getting too small for them so I am hoping they are with their parents and in a bigger nest. Its been fun the last week with the baby birds developing every day. This is the last picture I took of them this morning

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grandpa had Knee Surgery

Today was grandpa's total knee surgery. He was really ready for this surgery because he has been in pain for quite some time. Hopefully it will be as successful as grandma's was. Now they will have matching knees. He went into surgery around 730 this morning and was done by 10am. He did well through the whole surgery, had no problems with the annesthesia with the exception of the epidural. For some reason, they couldn't get the epidural in the right spot but he has a pain pump for pain. We got to see him after lunch and he was very loopy but awake enough to ask questions. For some reason he wanted his watch and phone but with him so drugged up I am not sure why he wanted those things. I will check on him tomorrow after I drop Brooklyn off to school.

Baby Bird update

The baby birds are doing great. I had worried yesterday when I found one of the babies had died and their mother would abbandon the rest of the babies but late last night the mother bird and papa bird came back to the nest. I was relieved. The birds look like they are thriving. They now have their eyes opened and are getting more and more feathers. You can now see their little beaks. They actually have pretty big lungs because every morning and they are talking up a storm. This afternoon I had seen the papa bird on our roof and then the mommy bird on our tree. I was able to get a good picture of them. Brooklyn and Logan are really excited about the baby birds and are always asking me to see them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

More pictures of the pool

Here are more pictures. There were too many that were cute.

First time this Summer

Even though it's not officially summer is sure does feel like it. This afternoon all the kids met up with Michele's kids and we went swimming. The kids were so excited. We don't have a community pool in our neighborhood so we have to go to others. At first, Logan and Brooklyn really didn't know what to do. I haven't boughten anything for the pool so we borrowed Michele's swim stuff. Madison didn't want anything to do with the pool at first but eventually she came around and had a blast. She played with another girl her same age and also Blake. It was very cute to see her swim. This is very new to Madison because she has never been in a pool for her so I could understand the hesitation. Logan just stayed in the baby pool but had a blast and wasn't scared to get his face wet at all. He tried to venture out into the big pool but he wasn't quite ready for that just yet. By the end of the afternoon, Brooklyn had managed to swim with the floaties on her arms across the pool with the help of Campbell. I took lots of pictures and I am sure there will be many afternoon's spent at the pool.

Brooklyn's Last Week of School

I can't believe that this is the last week of school for Brooklyn. It doesn't seem possible. I just remember yesterday starting at Apple Creek and now she has officially got her certificate for passing preschool. We just got her progress report for the end of the year and its amazing how much she has accomplised in one school year and this is just preschool. I can't imagine what it is going to be liked in elementary school. The only things she missed and has not yet accomplished are as follow:the forehead, capital C, lower case g and c, objects that start with L and the sounds of I,D,Y,and E. Mommy and daddy are real proud of her. She is not done with Apple Creek just yet, we are continueing her phonics classes through the summer. Logan will start his school on June 7th. I can't wait to see how this turns out. We will keep everyone updated.

Our Birdie Update

Well, I have to report that one of our birdies died. I checked on them this afternoon and found one of the birds. Unfortunately, Brooklyn was with me and so she was asking many questions but I told her that the birdie went to birdie heaven. The other three are thriving. They now have their eyes opened and they have lots of fuz. Its really cute to see them grow. I know they are just birds but they chose a great place to make a home in the Spring time. I have attached a picture of the birds. As you will see you can see all birds in there but I had taken these pictures this morning.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Update on the New Baby Birds

The baby birds are doing fine. I checked on them this morning and in one day they look bigger than yesterday. One of the babies had his mouth open. I think he was hungry. You may think this is wierd but I do talk to the babies and to the mama bird to let them know they are safe and no one will mess with the nest. We really don't have any plans for this weekend. I think this is the first weekend in quite awhile that we have no real plans. It will be nice for a change. Brooklyn was excited to go to school today because she was bringing cookies to celebrate her birthday. Eventhough her birthday is not for another month, they allow the kids to bring in goodies before the end of the year to celebrate their birthday. We also did her invitations to her party as well. It's just like Christmas, she can't wait for her party. There really is no more news to report. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here is Mama

I forgot to put her picture on so here is the picture of the mama bird.

We have a new addition to our household

Many of you don't know but last year there was a bird that made a nest on my wreath that hangs from my door. Well, all the eggs hatched except one so I through away the nest and the egg. Well, come to find out the bird came back and made a new nest in one of our trees that is next to our house. Its burried really well. She layed 4 eggs and as of yesterday they were still eggs. Well, today they all hatched. They are adorable and I have included the mama bird and then pictures of her babies. Its an amazing site to see and to show my kids as well. Enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One More Update

I forgot to let everyone know that Brooklyn got her outfit for her recital in June. I won't tell much about it but that it is very pink and adorable. I can't wait for everyone to see her in her dance recital tutu. She will look fabulous. Brooklyn is counting down the days.

More Updates

Where do I start......Renee is doing okay in the hospital. We did find out that she may be in the hospital for another 4 weeks or so. She has some kind of yeast growing inside of her that the doc sent the culture off to a lab in San Antonio and we won't know the results for about a week. Any treatment of any kind is about 14 days or so of strict antibiotics. I feel for Renee because the kids are always asking when she will come home and I keep telling them the same thing "I don't know". They miss her a lot. They do see her but we don't stay very long because I don't want my kids in that kind of enviornment. Its sad enough when your own kids know what a hospital is or having surgery of some kind. But the kids do draw pictures for Nei Nei and she loves those.

Also, Grandpa is doing well after his gallbladder surgery. We are now counting the days till his knee surgery. Scott had a late meeting to the kids and I went over to their house for dinner and its real evident that Grandpa is really suffering with his knee. I just hope that after this surgery he will be 100% and have no pain. He has endured a lot in the last couple of years but his knee is what has given him grief for quite some time now. I will keep everyone up to date on the blog. He will be in the hospital for a couple of days and then off to the house where he will have physical therapy at home.

A Big Day for Logan

Mommy and daddy have been working with Logan on potty training for awhile. Neither one of us wanted to force it on him but lately we really have been working with him. He now knows how to stand up like a big boy and pee into the toilet. I think he has watched daddy many times now to know what to do. So his routine would be to go to the bathroom, close the door and sometimes lock the door and then he will pee. He is so funny. You may be wondering why today is a big day, well Logan for the first time wore his underware on all day. Wednesdays are busy days for us because Brooklyn has dance and then we all go to the mall and have lunch, play and shop for the rest of the day so we aren't home till pretty late. Well, Logan passed the test with flying colors and made it home without having an accident. Now we did visit many restrooms at the mall but I was okay with that because I knew that Logan really wanted this and I wanted this for him as well. Therefore, in the past two weeks we have overcome elevators and now we can wear underware out for long periods of time. Mommy and daddy are very proud of him.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Grandpa has surgery

Grandma and Grandpa didn't get to see the program because grandpa had his gall bladder out. In fact, this is surgery #1 and surgery #2 is having a total knee replacement on his right knee. He got through surgery just fine but kept grandma there longer because he was just sleeping away. I did meet his surgeon and he was very nice and liked Logan and Madison. The most difficult thing was putting the tube down his throat because of his neck cancer and all the work they did on him prior to this. He should be up and about in a couple days and then its onto surgery #2. May 25th can't come fast enough for him but we will keep everyone updated on his progress.

Brooklyn's End of the Year Program

Brooklyn was so excited today for her program at school. She has been practicing for some time now and couldn't wait for mommy and daddy to see it. They did the program a little early because one of her teachers is moving to Florida and she is leaving to look for a house. Their theme for the party was a luau but the program wasn't focused on that at all. They did multiple songs that they do on a daily basis and then they said "The Pledge of Allegiance". I was shocked that Brooklyn new the pledge. It was two days ago that out of the blue she said "The Pledge of Allegiance". I don't think I new that until I was further along in school. Things sure has changed since I was a kid. She also got a certificate for completing the class at Apple Creek. She is so proud of herself. After the program, they all munched on goodies and talked to their friends. It was a great morning for everyone. I have included some of the pictures we took and daddy got the program on video so anyone who wants to see it can.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

An afternoon at the park

After Madison woke up from her nap, I took the kids to their favorite park. Many of you may not know that we don't have a playground in our neighborhood so most of the time we take them to my parents playground. The kids have a blast. Brooklyn is always wanting to swing while Logan is climbing everything and going down the slide. What surprised me today was how Madison managed to climb up to slide down the slide. I was shocked. After she did that once, she wanted to keep on doing it. She wasn't really happy when I told her we had to go home. I even got madison to swing on the swings today. All of our kids, were afraid of the swings until age 3 or so. Logan likes the swing but would rather be climbing things instead. I have posted some pictures from the park.

An Exciting Day for Brooklyn

This morning mommy and Brooklyn went to her new school for kindergarten orientation. She was so excited to go and so was mommy. They had divided up the kids in different colors and then they were paired with on the kindergarten teacher. She will actually meet her new teacher on the meet the teacher night on August 20th. They took the kids on a tour of the school and then to the classrooms. Once they were there, they got to make a fish made out of paper plates. It was adorable. The parents stayed in the cafeteria while the principle went over what to expect in kindergarten. Mommy just couldn't believe that my oldest child is going to kindergarten. I say this all the time but its true, I just remember given birth to her but everyone states time flies when you have kids. Overall it was a good orientation and I am looking forward for Brooklyn to start and I really don't have any worries for her. I have included two pictures of Brooklyn in front of the stage. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Big Day for Logan

Many of you probably don't know that Logan is afraid to walk into an elevator without being held by mommy or daddy. Well, that changed today. Why today I don't really know. Every Wednesday, Brooklyn has dance class and then Campbell and her mom and the rest of us go to the mall to eat lunch and play at the play yard down stairs. Everytime Logan has to push the buttons but he would never walk in by himself. Today, he said I am walking in and walked right into the elevator with no problem. Michelle and I just praised him for doing a good job and by facing his fear. We still had one more elevator to go on after lunch and sure enough he walked on with no problem. I think he is realizing he is becoming a big boy now and wants to do the same things that Brooklyn is doing. Lets just hope that this will continue and he will want to wear his underware all the time too. Congrats to Logan!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Great Mother's Day

We had a great weekend and I had a great Mother's Day. Actually the weekend was pretty packed. Logan had his basketball practice but they didn't stay, he just wanted to go. We think he afraid of strangers because when the coach came up to him he just shuts down. Hopefully, he will turn around. We did enroll him in a summer camp at Apple Creek, where he is going in the Fall so we hope he does well there and the transition will be smooth. Brooklyn had another birthday party to go and this one was at the Allen Celebration spray park. Brooklyn had a blast and didn't want to leave but we had too because everyone was coming over to celebrate Mother's day and grandpa's birthday. We had a nice dinner and Meme and Grandma got special shirts from the kids. Mommy got beautiful flowers and a gift card for my pedicure. It was very nice. I have posted a couple of pictures of the kids playing with Pawpaw.

Friday, May 7, 2010


This week flew by. I can't believe it's Friday already and we are starting the weekend. I have a couple of interesting things my innocent children did this week. First, on Monday we had to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's house because grandpa fixed one of my stork's pole. The kids were playing hard and then they decided to go in the alley instead so mommy put them in the car. We were about to leave and I had to run in the house and go to the restroom and when I was done I heard loud music outside and believe it, the kids started my car up. I was shocked and thank goodness the emergency break was on. I don't even want to think about would could have happened. It turned out okay but the lesson learned is to make sure mommy has her keys with her at all times. Then, later that afternoon, I had texted daddy for something and he text me back with my answer, needless to say Brooklyn go a hold of my phone and decided to text daddy back a couple of times. Scott had to call home to let me know that the kids had my phone. At least it was Scott and no someone we don't know. There was another instance that Brooklyn got my phone and called my mom or grandma to her. How she knows how to do this amazes me. Kids will be kids. This week was a very interesting week.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Legacy Shops Chocolate Feast

Last Sunday we went to the first annual Chocolate feast at the Legacy Shops. It was $10 per person and $5 per child. Madison was free but we were given four shirt boxes and the way it worked was we went to each booth that represented a different resturant in the area and they all made a different dessert. Lets just say it was an interested afternoon. It was very difficult with all three kids, holding four shirt boxes and going from booth to booth getting and eating different desserts. At the end of the day you could have voted on your favorite dessert. The kids though had a blast. Brooklyn got her face painted like a little kitty cat, each of them made bags to put on their heads (they turned out adorable), and they had a clown there making balloons. Everyone got a balloon of their choice. The weather was a little breezy and a little hot but over all everyone had a good time. We really had a jammed packed weekend and were tired by the end of the night. Enjoy the pics.

Le's Go back in time-Brooklyn's school picnic

First of all, sorry for not updating the blog. We have been very busy. Lets back a couple of days and catch everyone up. Last Saturday, Brooklyn had her school picnic at the Frisco Commons Park. The theme was pirates. I was kind of scared because the weather forcast had mentioned rain and it poured the night before but it turned out to be a beautiful day. When we got to the park, Dora and Diego showed up and Brooklyn and Logan loved them. In fact, they both got the party started by getting on stage first and dancing with them. It caught daddy and mommy off guard but we were proud of them for not being shy. They had bounce houses and all kinds of other fun events through out the whole afternoon. Also, each class donated a themed basket for the silent auction and this year we did build a bear. It turned out very cute and the school made a lot of money which I am happy about. It was very hard to get the kids to leave the park because they were having so much fun but eventually we left. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Also that morning Logan had his first basketball practice. Mommy and daddy enrolled him in a YMCA class that lasts a month and its held on every saturday. Daddy took Logan and at first he was real excited and trying to do what he was being told but as the class went on he didn't really want to participate. In fact, he had asked daddy to leave. Daddy did say that he was the youngest one there and that maybe he is still too young to get involved in any sports activities. We are going to take him back next Saturday and mommy is going to take him so maybe that will make a difference. Who knows.....