Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Big Day for Logan

Mommy and daddy have been working with Logan on potty training for awhile. Neither one of us wanted to force it on him but lately we really have been working with him. He now knows how to stand up like a big boy and pee into the toilet. I think he has watched daddy many times now to know what to do. So his routine would be to go to the bathroom, close the door and sometimes lock the door and then he will pee. He is so funny. You may be wondering why today is a big day, well Logan for the first time wore his underware on all day. Wednesdays are busy days for us because Brooklyn has dance and then we all go to the mall and have lunch, play and shop for the rest of the day so we aren't home till pretty late. Well, Logan passed the test with flying colors and made it home without having an accident. Now we did visit many restrooms at the mall but I was okay with that because I knew that Logan really wanted this and I wanted this for him as well. Therefore, in the past two weeks we have overcome elevators and now we can wear underware out for long periods of time. Mommy and daddy are very proud of him.

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