Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Big Day for Logan

Many of you probably don't know that Logan is afraid to walk into an elevator without being held by mommy or daddy. Well, that changed today. Why today I don't really know. Every Wednesday, Brooklyn has dance class and then Campbell and her mom and the rest of us go to the mall to eat lunch and play at the play yard down stairs. Everytime Logan has to push the buttons but he would never walk in by himself. Today, he said I am walking in and walked right into the elevator with no problem. Michelle and I just praised him for doing a good job and by facing his fear. We still had one more elevator to go on after lunch and sure enough he walked on with no problem. I think he is realizing he is becoming a big boy now and wants to do the same things that Brooklyn is doing. Lets just hope that this will continue and he will want to wear his underware all the time too. Congrats to Logan!

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