Friday, July 16, 2010

Favorite Thingss

I thought I would share with you all some of the kids favorite things. There might be some things that you don't know about. Lets start with Brooklyn. First and foremost, she loves pickles. This may be because I craved pickles when I was pregnant with her. Second, she loves black olives. This is true for all my kids. You can give them a can and they will eat all of them within minutes. She also loves her bunny Angel. This bunny was made with Campbell and she has to have it every night before she goes to bed. Finally, she loves her hello kitty blanket. Every night she must have the soft side down. You would think I would get this right every time but nope I even forget which side she likes. Logan on the other hand loves icecream. He will not eat any other dessert. He won't eat pie, cake or even cookies for that matter. He has to sleep with the light on in his room. I am not sure what started this but if you turn it off he will cry and scream in the middle of the night. I am hoping this is a phase he is going through. Finally, he loves his apple juice. The first thing he asks for when he wakes up is his apple juice. We go through 4 big bottles of apple juice a week. That's a lot of apple juice. Madison is getting bigger every day. She doesn't even look like a baby anymore but a young girl. Madison will eat anything you put in front of her. Out of the three of them she eats more than Brooklyn and Logan. Logan is a very picky eater and Brooklyn will eat most of the things. Oh yeah, the kids don't like potatoes nor mushsrooms. I am not sure why they don't like the potatoes. They will eat french fries sometime but most of the time they leave them. One last tidbit, Madison is saying new words every day and her newest phrase is Mommy I'm Wet!!! She is funny.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It's such a great idea =) I might have to steal it sometime for my own never occurred to me to document favorite things, but seriously, what a brilliant way of remembering these things as they change!

    Sarah @
