Sunday, July 25, 2010

What's New at the Booth Household??

To be honest, nothing is really new with us. We are getting everyone ready to go back to school. It is pretty exciting because we have to buy school supplies for Brooklyn and you know the first week of school is real important in what you kids wear especially the girls. It can get expensive but its fun looking for new clothes for the kids. If you ask daddy if they need clothes, he will tell you know but if you ask mommy she will say the complete opposite. Basically they need fall and yes even winter clothes plus new shoes. It all adds up but if I have to say anything then our kids will be the best dressed kids at school. Lilly is doing a lot better. Her eye is doing better and Lilly can keep her eye open for long periods of time now and it is not as sensitive to the light.

Brooklyn had a birthday party to attend on Saturday. It was her friend Leighton from Apple Creek. Her theme was a horse party and it was a party to remember. When they got there Everyone had a sign with their name and a bandana put on. Then the kids all made horses. Leighton's mom really put in a lot of time and effort to make this happen but the horses turned out adorable. Then they named their horses. Once everyone was done the kids went outside and Leighton opened her presents and then they played games with their horses. They also got cowboy hats to take home as well has picture frames to make as well. The party itself was very creative and different than any other party we have attended. Brooklyn had a blast and it looks like everyone else did as well.

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