Monday, December 6, 2010

Brooklyn Has fun At Her friend's Birthday Party

Brooklyn went to Cassie's, one of her friends at school, birthday party last night. The party was done at Sugar and Spice in downtown Mckinney. I never knew this party existed but the girls got to play dress up, they got their hair done and their nails done. They had a dance party, a fashion show and a tea party. I thought it was so cute and they had a blast. It;'s a great place to have a girl party for sure! What I didn't realize is she didn't invite all the girls in her class. She only invited a couple girls and Brooklyn was honored to be one of them. Cassie's parents told me that she talks about Brooklyn all the time. I was very pleased to hear that. Enjoy the pictures I took. I apologize for the pictures color. It was very dark inside the room.

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