Monday, March 22, 2010

Back to School

Today was Brooklyn's first day back to school since being off for Spring Break. All last week she hated not being in school so Sunday night she was excited to go back and went to bed at her usual time. Monday morning came and I thought Brooklyn would be up early and ready to go to school but that wasn't the case at all. In fact, Logan had to wake her up at 745. She has never slept that late on a school day. She was dragging out of bed. She finally got and dressed and off we went to school. I think once she got there she was back in the routine. She was happy when I picked her up today because she found out that her teacher Ms Jasaleen is her phonics teacher for this next session. She loves Ms Jasaleen. I think it will be good. She starts tomorrow and she is ready to get back into phonics.

You may not see any pictures for a little while. I have somehow misplaced our memory card. I was working on our pictures and downloading them so I can order them on Snapfish(I did get that done) and fortunately, I have all the pictures I wanted off the card but I am not sure where the card it. I think the kids got a hold of it but no one knows where it is. Therefore, if you just seen writing and no pictures that's the reason. Have a great Monday.

Where is Spring?

I was shock yesterday morning when I saw 5 1/2 inches of snow outside our house. They forcasted snow but as always daddy wasn't going to believe it until he saw it. He was shocked as well. It started to snow right when we put Brooklyn to bed Saturday night and sure enough Sunday morning came and it was all white outside. It was suppose to be the first weekend of Spring and I feel we are stuck in Winter and can't get out. I am ready for Spring and Summer.

This past week was Spring Break for Brooklyn. She didn't understand why she didn't have school but we made it through the week. We ended up doing quite a bit. We fed the ducks with Campbell and her family, she went to Campbell's house on Thursday to play and on Wednesday we took the kids on a picnic and they flew a kite for the first time. The kids had a blast. It was a bit cold outside but they still had fun. I didn't have my camera but Michelle took lots of pictures and I am waiting on those pictures from her. Once I get them, I will put them on the blog.

Yesterday was a big day for Logan. We are really working on Logan and potty training. Yesterday was a big milestone because he went grocery shopping in big boy's underware and made it all the way through. When they were at Market Street he told daddy that he really had to go potty and so daddy taught him the potty dance. As soon as he got home he went potty. We were proud of him. Although by night time he was ready to be back in the diaper.

Monday, March 15, 2010

More pictures

Here are more pictures from Saturday. Enjoy!

Spring Has arrived

First of all, sorry for not writing last week. As you all know I had commited myself into doing the plano's consignment sale which ended in success. We sold almost everything and made a good amount of money. Due to the success, I will continue to do this sale in the future but be better prepared and not wait to the last minute to do things. They hold two sales one in the spring and one in the fall before school starts. The money we made was well worth it and we got rid of a lot of big items and clothes. The cool part we were able to set our own prices and if I had taken them to the consignment store we probably would have made 1/3 of what we made, maybe even less. Therefore, I am done dropping off my stuff at consignment stores.

This week is Spring break for Brooklyn. As usual, she is not very happy to be out of school. I keep telling her that one day you will love your holidays but right now is adament about being in school. We really don't have anything planned for the week. Campbell and Brooklyn will probably get together and we will do something with her family as well. Brooklyn has another birthday party on Saturday and then Frisco is holding their easter egg hunt, weather permitting, at Pizza Hut park. Hopefully the rain will stay away because I thinkt he kids will enjoy the easter egg hunt.
On Saturday, we went and had our Spring pictures done and they turned out adorable. I will put some on the blog but we have the cd of all the pictures and we were presently surprised. Scott and I had a conversation the night before on what package we were going to buy but because the pictures turned out so cute he ended up spending more money which was fine with me.

Other than that really nothing else to report. We are trying to potty train Logan but right now he is against wearing his underware which makes it hard. We are not sure why he won't wear his underware. Scott is against bribing him so I think that makes it even harder to. Madison is talking a little more. She now knows the word "No". She is so funny though and just moving as fast as she can. Brooklyn is working on her dance recital and I have seen parts of it and its adorable.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Madison turns 18 months

Today Madison saw the pediatrician for her 18 month check up. Everything is right on pace. She has caught up well in her height. She is in the 80th percentile and just think when she was born she wasn't even on the paper. Her weight and head are growing in proportion with her height. She only had to get her iron checked today so she was happy about no shots. She was suppose to get a shot but we were 5 days before 6 months so she will get that one at her 2 year check up.

Brooklyn has a birthday party to go to this afternoon so she is really excited about that. Her best friend Campbell and her are going together. Her name is Hailey and she is one of Brooklyn's dance friends. She is having her party at a place called Pump it Up. Its a place where they have all kinds of bounce houses etc. That should tire them out tonight.

I have to transport all my goods tonight to the Plano Center. I didn't realize how much work you put into this sale but I hope in the end its worth it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Almost Friday

This week has flown by. Mommy has been very busy getting ready for the Plano's consignment sale at the Plano Center. This is an event that happens twice a year and my good friend Michele is the one who got me involved with this. Its a lot of work and I didn't realize how much stuff we really have. I have entered over 264 items and each of those items has to be tagged, etc. I will make it.

Today was the last day for Brooklyn's phonics. She was very upset but she is scheduled to restart the class after the Spring Break. She really likes the class and she is doing well reading her books. I just can't believe how much she has progressed since the beginning of all this.

Can you believe that Madison is now 18 months old. It doesn't seem possible. She is just all over the place but as usual is loving life and playing with her brother and sister.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I can't believe its March already

This year is going by fast. I can't believe that it's March already. I just remember yesterday being the Christmas holidays. Everyone is doing well. This week is the last week for Brooklyn to do phonics. She is really loving this phonics and she has now moved onto reading books. She is so excited. They have ten books to master before they can advance to the next phonics session. Eventhough this is the last week she will continue phonics after Spring Break. I can't believe Spring break is around the corner either. Brooklyn just hates not going to school but eventually she will love her school holidays. She is also excited because she is now being invited to birthday parties. She loves going to birthday parties and she is already for her birthday to come as well.

Logan is doing great. He is no longer taking his naps but mommy has come to terms with that. He plays very well with Brooklyn so they keep each other occupied while Madison takes her nap. He is really starting to talk more and put more words together to make sentences. I can't believe that he will be turning 3 next month. It doesn't seem possible that he has a birthday coming up. We are excited for him to turn 3 because this means now we can enroll him into some activities which we think he will like.

Madison is well Madison. Last night she said the word ball to daddy. That was the first time we have heard her say "ball." She is catching on but still doesn't say "daddy" just yet. I hope soon she will. She is just all over the place and nonstop from the time she wakes up to the time you put her down for her naps and night night time. She is full of energy and just loves life. She always has a smile but lately if she gets mad she gets mad and will let you know. She will scream at the top of her lungs. She is also decided that she wants to climb on everything now so we have had to take the chairs and put them up because if we have chairs out you will find her on the kitchen table or the kids table or anywhere else she can climb

Nothing else to report. I have included two cute pictures of Logan and Brooklyn.