Thursday, March 4, 2010

Almost Friday

This week has flown by. Mommy has been very busy getting ready for the Plano's consignment sale at the Plano Center. This is an event that happens twice a year and my good friend Michele is the one who got me involved with this. Its a lot of work and I didn't realize how much stuff we really have. I have entered over 264 items and each of those items has to be tagged, etc. I will make it.

Today was the last day for Brooklyn's phonics. She was very upset but she is scheduled to restart the class after the Spring Break. She really likes the class and she is doing well reading her books. I just can't believe how much she has progressed since the beginning of all this.

Can you believe that Madison is now 18 months old. It doesn't seem possible. She is just all over the place but as usual is loving life and playing with her brother and sister.

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