Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Has arrived

First of all, sorry for not writing last week. As you all know I had commited myself into doing the plano's consignment sale which ended in success. We sold almost everything and made a good amount of money. Due to the success, I will continue to do this sale in the future but be better prepared and not wait to the last minute to do things. They hold two sales one in the spring and one in the fall before school starts. The money we made was well worth it and we got rid of a lot of big items and clothes. The cool part we were able to set our own prices and if I had taken them to the consignment store we probably would have made 1/3 of what we made, maybe even less. Therefore, I am done dropping off my stuff at consignment stores.

This week is Spring break for Brooklyn. As usual, she is not very happy to be out of school. I keep telling her that one day you will love your holidays but right now is adament about being in school. We really don't have anything planned for the week. Campbell and Brooklyn will probably get together and we will do something with her family as well. Brooklyn has another birthday party on Saturday and then Frisco is holding their easter egg hunt, weather permitting, at Pizza Hut park. Hopefully the rain will stay away because I thinkt he kids will enjoy the easter egg hunt.
On Saturday, we went and had our Spring pictures done and they turned out adorable. I will put some on the blog but we have the cd of all the pictures and we were presently surprised. Scott and I had a conversation the night before on what package we were going to buy but because the pictures turned out so cute he ended up spending more money which was fine with me.

Other than that really nothing else to report. We are trying to potty train Logan but right now he is against wearing his underware which makes it hard. We are not sure why he won't wear his underware. Scott is against bribing him so I think that makes it even harder to. Madison is talking a little more. She now knows the word "No". She is so funny though and just moving as fast as she can. Brooklyn is working on her dance recital and I have seen parts of it and its adorable.

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