Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I can't believe its March already

This year is going by fast. I can't believe that it's March already. I just remember yesterday being the Christmas holidays. Everyone is doing well. This week is the last week for Brooklyn to do phonics. She is really loving this phonics and she has now moved onto reading books. She is so excited. They have ten books to master before they can advance to the next phonics session. Eventhough this is the last week she will continue phonics after Spring Break. I can't believe Spring break is around the corner either. Brooklyn just hates not going to school but eventually she will love her school holidays. She is also excited because she is now being invited to birthday parties. She loves going to birthday parties and she is already for her birthday to come as well.

Logan is doing great. He is no longer taking his naps but mommy has come to terms with that. He plays very well with Brooklyn so they keep each other occupied while Madison takes her nap. He is really starting to talk more and put more words together to make sentences. I can't believe that he will be turning 3 next month. It doesn't seem possible that he has a birthday coming up. We are excited for him to turn 3 because this means now we can enroll him into some activities which we think he will like.

Madison is well Madison. Last night she said the word ball to daddy. That was the first time we have heard her say "ball." She is catching on but still doesn't say "daddy" just yet. I hope soon she will. She is just all over the place and nonstop from the time she wakes up to the time you put her down for her naps and night night time. She is full of energy and just loves life. She always has a smile but lately if she gets mad she gets mad and will let you know. She will scream at the top of her lungs. She is also decided that she wants to climb on everything now so we have had to take the chairs and put them up because if we have chairs out you will find her on the kitchen table or the kids table or anywhere else she can climb

Nothing else to report. I have included two cute pictures of Logan and Brooklyn.

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