Friday, October 30, 2009

A fun day decorating Halloween Cookies

Hi all, well Halloween is almost here and the kids are getting really excited. Yesterday, Madison had a follow up for her ears and her ears are finally cleared up. We think she has seasonal allergies but then all of our other kids do too. She has finally reached the 20 pound mark. We have been striving to get there for some time now and she has finally made it. Now she can sit forward in the car seat. She will have so much fun.

Brooklyn is doing great. She had a great night and we have her pain under contro. Her BFF Campbell came over yesterday and they decorated some cookies. I think they went over board with the icing and sprinkles but none the less they had a blast. I have included some pictures of them two. Logan got up from his nap at the very end but was able to make himself a cookie.

Everyone is doing great. Can't wait for Saturday. Stay tuned!!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Brooklyn's Surgery was a Success

Today, Brooklyn had her 4th surgery on her belly button. Previous till today, I had not said anything about her surgery. This morning, Brooklyn figured it out and told me that "We aren't seeing Dr. Kadesky at his office, we are going to the hospital." My heart just dropped and I was honest with her and said yes but that we needed to get your belly button better. Once we got there and got checked in, she kind of forgot where she was for awhile. Medical City Dallas has a great play room for all the patients. We colored pictures, she got a halloween sticker book and strawberry shortcake book and we hand painted a pumpkin. By the time we were done with that, they were ready for her down in surgery. They gave her what is called the goofy juice and on we went to preop holding. She did okay until they were ready to take her into surgery. At that time, I told them to just take her and go. The surgery took longer than expected because Dr. Kadesky had to repair her hernia. The only way to get all the old sutures out, which he did was to go through the abdomen. He told me the "knots" that we were looking for were deep and we made the right decision to go back in. There is always a chance of reoccurence but I am praying that this time is the last one. She recovered better after surgery this time around than last time. I had requested additional nausea medicine for her, which made her more sleepy, but she didn't get sick in my car. In fact, I had to stop and get her a hamburger on the way home and sure enough she ate it and didn't get sick. She is a very brave girl to go through what she has been through. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of her. Now its daddy's turn to have surgery.

Monday, October 26, 2009

More Updates with the Booth Family

Now that everyone is in bed I have some more updates for everyone. On Wednesday, Brooklyn is having another surgery on her belly button. Many of you may not know but she went in for a rountin hernia repair back in July and since that surgery she has had some complications with infections and spitting out sutures. She definately has mommy's genes-thats not a good thing. I hope that this will be the last of her surgeries for many years to come. I will keep everyone updated on Wednesday on her progress. Daddy is scheduled to have surgery next Friday. He has been battling hip pain for quite some time now and has finally gotten the nerve to see a surgeon and get diagnosed. He has what is called a laberal tear in the hip. It is a very simple surgery but he will have to take it easy for a couple of weeks. I am not sure how the kids will respond to daddy not being able to play as much. I know with my surgeries they didn't like it. This will be his first major surgery in his 32 years of living. Not bad. Again, I will keep everyone up to date on his progress.

Madison and Logan are doing very well. Madison has a check up with her ears on Thursday. I hope this last round of antibiotics cleared up her infection but we will see. She is still trying to figure out how to walk but has been able to take a couple more steps by herself. She is up to 3 steps and then she falls. She will eventually get the hang of walking. She may not be walking by Halloween but I guarantee that she will be walking by Thanksgiving.

Logan is progressing well. His newest word is yellow. Daddy reads to him everynight and he is enjoying his books. I think he knows more than he lets mommy and daddy know. Thats okay, because he will surprise us out of the blue.

Our Neighborhood Halloween Party

Saturday night was our neighborhood Halloween party. The kids always have a blasts at these things because there are bounce houses and other kids to play with. It was a goreous evening until the sun went down. Then it got cold. We always have a great turn out at these outings and this one was no exception. I have included some pictures from that night's event.

PS- the pictures for some reason did not want to print from Safety town.

A Crazy Weekend

To start off the weekend, I got to volunteer at Brooklyn's school with art. She was so happy for me to be there and I was glad to volunteer. I was afraid of what she might do with me being in the room but she carried on with her routine and left me alone. That day they made apple pies. Before Friday, she had mentioned that they were going to make apple pies and I was wondering how preschoolers were going to make pies but the Ms Tory, her teacher, used biscuit dough and put apples on top and in all honestly they were pretty good. Before they ate their food, they sang a little song and they counted in japanese. I didn't know my daughter knew Japanese but she knows her numbers. I was very impressed. After school, we had our first school social at Chic Fil A. There were many of her classmates that showed up and had a great time. Fortunately, some of the kids got out of hand and as Brooklyn does she tried to play mom. There were two boys rough playing and she was trying to pull them away from each other and split up the fight. I was shocked. I explained that was nice of her to do that but that she needed to get an adult next time.

That evening we went to Safety town in Frisco, Texas. This is a little town next to the fire station that has little houses of different companies inside with all kinds of activities. Everyone got to where their costumes and they all had a blast and got lots of candy. I have included some of their pictures.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A fun Day at the Booth's

The last couple of days have been quiet for a change. The weather has been great and the kids are playing very hard. Brooklyn is doing very well in her phonics class. She is reading her little books that are given to her without hardly any help. I just hope that she continues to love reading. Mommy isn't really into reading so she didn't learn it from me. Also, today the firetruck and the ambulance came to her school. She really liked the fire truck but was scared of the ambulance. She learned a very valuable lesson with these two vehicles..She calls 911 if there is a problem. Daddy and I haven't really sat down and talked to her about 911, so her teachers are ahead of us which is fine with us.

Logan is doing very well. He still continues to talk more and more. You are really able to understand him more. He likes riding in mommy's new car. If I haven't already told you, we got rid of my Volvo, that I had before Brooklyn was born and now I am driving a Honda Odyssey. Its very different and I always told myself that I would never drive a mini van but with three kids you kind of have too. I do love the space. Logan sits in the back row and he loves it.

Madison has now figured out how to climb down stairs. Not a good thing for mommy. She is still practicing her walking. She is standing more on her two feet so any day I expect her to get up and go. She gets frustrated but she also works hard at it. We will keep everyone posted.

I have added some cute pictures of Logan. I don't have very many of him on the blog so I thought it was his turn to be in the spot light. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Madison's New Way of Seeing the World

Madison is so close to walking. Daddy and mommy really worked with her this weekend to get her to walk. I hope that she will be walking by Halloween. Mommy would really like that. Madison also has a new move she wants everyone to check out. I'm not sure why she is doing this but she loves it.

We also have everyone's halloween costume. Brooklyn is going to be a beautiful princess again, Logan is going to be a handsome fireman, and Madison is going to be a cute pink puppy. This year will be so much fun with Logan and Brooklyn. Logan has already been practicing saying his words and collecting candy while we are at Target. He grabs a pumpkin and starts grabbing the bags and putting them in the pumpkin. He is so funny. Madison is still a little too young but she will enjoy it as well. More candy for daddy and mommy. I can't wait to show everyone what they look like in their costumes.

Brooklyn is ready to go to school tomorrow. She really loves school. She doesn't understand what a weekend is because she would prefer to attend school everyday. Ask her 18 years from now if she would like to attend school everyday. We are just glad that she is enjoying learning as much as she is.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors....

I think this family has visited all the doctors we could. Madison had a follow up with her pediatrician yesterday for her double ear infection, and guess what...It hasn't gone away. We are on another antibiotic for her ears and if this doesn't clear them up then she is headed for tubes in her ears. Why not..All of our other children have gone the tube route.

Brooklyn had a follow up with her general surgeon. Her poor belly button has not gotten any better. We changed up the antibiotic and if she is still having problems next week then she will be having another surgery to get the rest of her remaining sutures out. I think this family is just jinxed with doctors and surgeries.

Mommy had to see the doctor today because yes I need sick days too. I have bronchitis so I am now on antibiotics. The only one left that is actually healthy right now is Logan. He is just going and going. Every day he is surprising me on what he is doing. He really is becoming a big boy and that is hard for mommy because I still like to baby him. If we could just get him off the bottle at nap and night time and if mommy can get on the ball and get him potty trained then we are good to go.

We will keep everyone updated on our illnesses. Have a great one.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where has time gone

I apologize again that I haven't kept up with the dialy blog. It hasn't been like we have no new news. In fact, we have a lot of news. First and foremost, we have a new car. Yes, Mommy has now gone to a mini van. We have now have a Honda Odyssey. So far its going okay. This may be the first time where I have to read the manual. There are some features on it that I have not yet figured out. I think the kids like it though. Ask me in a month if I still like it.

Brooklyn is doing real well in her phonics class. I took he grocery shopping with me with every Sunday and I can't go to a store without her spelling the store. Also, I will tell her one price and she will say mommy, thats not right. Its not $5.00 its 2. 58. I can't fool her anymore. She was disappointed that she didn't have it on Monday with it being a holiday but she will have the opportunity to make it up on Friday.

Madison is trying so hard to walk. I really think it will be very soon where she is walking all over the house. Maybe she will be walking by Halloween. We will keep you updated.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reading Phonics and Much More

I apologize that I haven't written on the blog lately, but this week has been crazy since Brooklyn has started her reading phonics. The reading phonics is a 6 week long course and basically it will get her ready to read, if she isn't reading already by the time she starts Kindergarten next year. There are about 6 courses, not including spanish. We started her in the first session that helps her recognize lower case letters in the alphabet. The course is an hour long and there is a lot of one on one with the student and spaces are limited. She had her second session today and loves it. We have little books that she takes home from her class that helps her recognize letters and words. She is doing really well and her teacher has even commented on how she picks things up pretty quickly. Today was really busy because she also has dance class after her preschool then we do something with her BFF Campbell and her mom. Today we went to the mall. We have our normal routine which is eat, then play in the play area, and finally a trip to the candy store. She loves it. After that, Brooklyn goes back to school for her reading phonics, so Wednesdays are pretty hectic around her.

So far, this week has been somewhat quiet. Madison is progressing well in her walking with the push toy. We did have a play date on Tuesday at Chic Fil A and her friend Briton was there. They have a lot of fun together and play really well. She is just happy playing with kids her age. Logan is just Logan. Each day he is saying more words. Every morning, he asks "where is Daddy" and every morning I tell him he has gone to work. His response is okay. He is so funny with some of his responses.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A fun weekend

This weekend was a nice laid back weekend. Actually, it was mommy's birthday so the kids made me some special cards. Brooklyn was so excited to give me her home made cards. I don't think the other kids cared as much. Scott and I went out to dinner Saturday night so Grandma and Nei Nei took care of all three of them. I don't know when the last time Scott and I had a night to ourselves. Overall it turned out to be a nice quiet birthday.
Madison is progressing in trying to walk. On Saturday, she somewhat figured out to walk with the push toy. She was so happy and just loved it. I bet by the end of the month she will be walking. I can't wait. I have included a picture of her with her push toy.
Brooklyn and Logan enjoyed playing with each other. Although, Brooklyn was trying to dress Logan in her clothes. I feel sorry for Logan that there is not enough testoterine in this family. He is surrounded by all girls. It was a wet weekend so they had to play indoors most of the time.

Logan is really talking more and more and its great to understand him now. We were driving to pick grandma up and we saw multiple Targets and everytime we saw a target he would say "not another target again?" All I could do is laugh but enjoy the fact that he is talking.

Friday, October 2, 2009


This week has been somewhat busy. I had to take Logan and Madison to the doctor yesterday for yucky nose and cough. Logan is just dealing with seasonal allergies and Madison has her first double ear infection. Not good! At least it wasn't anything serious or contagious even. Everyone is on medicine so hopefully Madison can get rid of her ear infection.

Yesterday, we got hit with some storms and Logan says "Mommy, its raining" I have never heard him say that until yesterday. He is starting to talk more and say new words. I am so excited for him because I know it gets frustrated when he is talking and Mommy or Daddy can't understand him. He really is starting to show his personality and its fun to be around him. You never know what he might say next. Stay tune!!!!!