Sunday, October 4, 2009

A fun weekend

This weekend was a nice laid back weekend. Actually, it was mommy's birthday so the kids made me some special cards. Brooklyn was so excited to give me her home made cards. I don't think the other kids cared as much. Scott and I went out to dinner Saturday night so Grandma and Nei Nei took care of all three of them. I don't know when the last time Scott and I had a night to ourselves. Overall it turned out to be a nice quiet birthday.
Madison is progressing in trying to walk. On Saturday, she somewhat figured out to walk with the push toy. She was so happy and just loved it. I bet by the end of the month she will be walking. I can't wait. I have included a picture of her with her push toy.
Brooklyn and Logan enjoyed playing with each other. Although, Brooklyn was trying to dress Logan in her clothes. I feel sorry for Logan that there is not enough testoterine in this family. He is surrounded by all girls. It was a wet weekend so they had to play indoors most of the time.

Logan is really talking more and more and its great to understand him now. We were driving to pick grandma up and we saw multiple Targets and everytime we saw a target he would say "not another target again?" All I could do is laugh but enjoy the fact that he is talking.

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