Monday, October 26, 2009

More Updates with the Booth Family

Now that everyone is in bed I have some more updates for everyone. On Wednesday, Brooklyn is having another surgery on her belly button. Many of you may not know but she went in for a rountin hernia repair back in July and since that surgery she has had some complications with infections and spitting out sutures. She definately has mommy's genes-thats not a good thing. I hope that this will be the last of her surgeries for many years to come. I will keep everyone updated on Wednesday on her progress. Daddy is scheduled to have surgery next Friday. He has been battling hip pain for quite some time now and has finally gotten the nerve to see a surgeon and get diagnosed. He has what is called a laberal tear in the hip. It is a very simple surgery but he will have to take it easy for a couple of weeks. I am not sure how the kids will respond to daddy not being able to play as much. I know with my surgeries they didn't like it. This will be his first major surgery in his 32 years of living. Not bad. Again, I will keep everyone up to date on his progress.

Madison and Logan are doing very well. Madison has a check up with her ears on Thursday. I hope this last round of antibiotics cleared up her infection but we will see. She is still trying to figure out how to walk but has been able to take a couple more steps by herself. She is up to 3 steps and then she falls. She will eventually get the hang of walking. She may not be walking by Halloween but I guarantee that she will be walking by Thanksgiving.

Logan is progressing well. His newest word is yellow. Daddy reads to him everynight and he is enjoying his books. I think he knows more than he lets mommy and daddy know. Thats okay, because he will surprise us out of the blue.

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