Friday, October 30, 2009

A fun day decorating Halloween Cookies

Hi all, well Halloween is almost here and the kids are getting really excited. Yesterday, Madison had a follow up for her ears and her ears are finally cleared up. We think she has seasonal allergies but then all of our other kids do too. She has finally reached the 20 pound mark. We have been striving to get there for some time now and she has finally made it. Now she can sit forward in the car seat. She will have so much fun.

Brooklyn is doing great. She had a great night and we have her pain under contro. Her BFF Campbell came over yesterday and they decorated some cookies. I think they went over board with the icing and sprinkles but none the less they had a blast. I have included some pictures of them two. Logan got up from his nap at the very end but was able to make himself a cookie.

Everyone is doing great. Can't wait for Saturday. Stay tuned!!!!!

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