Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where has time gone

I apologize again that I haven't kept up with the dialy blog. It hasn't been like we have no new news. In fact, we have a lot of news. First and foremost, we have a new car. Yes, Mommy has now gone to a mini van. We have now have a Honda Odyssey. So far its going okay. This may be the first time where I have to read the manual. There are some features on it that I have not yet figured out. I think the kids like it though. Ask me in a month if I still like it.

Brooklyn is doing real well in her phonics class. I took he grocery shopping with me with every Sunday and I can't go to a store without her spelling the store. Also, I will tell her one price and she will say mommy, thats not right. Its not $5.00 its 2. 58. I can't fool her anymore. She was disappointed that she didn't have it on Monday with it being a holiday but she will have the opportunity to make it up on Friday.

Madison is trying so hard to walk. I really think it will be very soon where she is walking all over the house. Maybe she will be walking by Halloween. We will keep you updated.

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